HMMM, Well I sleep way to much.I do work now and have a job I love! I still don't clean my house. I buy anything that catches my eye on eBay. I like to play karaoke revolutions/rockband/and sometimes sing karaoke at bars. I'm past 30 now. I have a dorky star wars obsessed hubby, whom I love. I NOW have 3 pain in the ass cats, but I love Twister,Dyna, and Trevor like they are my children. I wish I had a car to cruise the beach like I did at 16 (maybe it will get old to me one of these days) I get out sometimes to look for new soap opera magazines & hotwheels. I'm a major computer-hog-bitch-hermit. Yet even though I lead a rather boring life, I'm happy with myself.
.. MySpace..Karaoke Revolution