A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm profile picture

A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm

A Pharoahs Touch

About Me

*******WARNING!!!!!! - A Pharoahs Touch can cause a heightened fascination leading to mental, emotional and physical stimulation. SO BEWARE AS YOU ENTER.*******
Update: Pharoah Najm use to travel quite extensively, He is a person who is on the edge of losing his sanity, but most great people are crazy so maybe he is on a path to greatness.
******* Pharoah Najm has decided that he is going to make some changes in his life. Not a easy conquest but when is anything in life that is worth while easy.
******* Pharoah Najm is more than a face or what you see, looks can be very deceiving, but to find out you will have to see if you can get to know him heed the warning above. He doesn’t let a lot of people in close. He is overly blunt so don’t take it personal if u don’t hear what you want to. He can be a complete ass hole at times.
******* Pharoah Najm is pretty laid back and got a sense of humor. He is very humble although it doesn’t come across that way. He likes truthful people that keep it real. He can be very deep and is at time militant in his thought process. As were his hereos. More about his personality is in one of his blogs.
******* Pharoah Najm currently works as a basketball trainer/ coach. He works in complete player development working with players on all levels all over the world. He also has produced one of the most strenuous core workouts in the industry. So if you want to get your core area right schedule a personal workout session and he’ll get you started on the program. Pharoah Najm also models part-time. He has been featured in a few things, done a few videos and commercials. Mainly models when he has some free time. He use to write poetry which some of is displayed in his blogs
******* He doesn’t believe in failure for those who try. He feels everyone suffers setbacks, but character is built in how u comeback for them.
******* Pharoah Najm believes life is about happiness not money. Although, money is needed to live, it isn’t the center of his world. He feels happiness and living life each day to the fullest are important because nothing in life is guaranteed.
******* If you like what you see and read then hit him up.
******* Pharoah Najm feels most people don’t read the page and judge based on pics so he kept it some what short if you want to know more feel free to ask. He has nothing to hide.
******* Phroahs Najm loves and appreciates constructive criticism so feel free to leave any you have in the comments, pics or message.

My Interests

basketball beautiful women
black history

I'd like to meet:

Pharoah Najm would like to meet anyone looking to make friends or wanting to chill.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

a return to love - marianne williamson


reggae, hiphop, r&b, soca, calypso. little bit of everything else


Pharoah Najm watches all types, He love movies and has a huge collection of about 300End of neo probate


When Pharoah Najm has time he likes to watch Smallville, Nip/Tuck, Lost, 24, Law and Order.


Pharoah Najm feels Boondocks is a great series of comics that looks at black social issues with plenty of satire. if you havent read it you got to. or at least watch the cartoon.


Malcolm X

Angela Davis

Huey Newton

The Black Panther Party

Pharoah Najm also sees himself as a hero to himself for all he has over come to get to where he is.
It would have been easier as for any of his heros to laydown and die than to continue to stand and fight.

My Blog

What do you think is it accurate?

http://www.memegen.net/viewmeme.pl" method="post">Your love is... by ChibiMarronchanYour name is...Your kiss is...eroticYour hugs are...warmYour eyes...twinkle in the moonlightYour touch is...irresist...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:09:00 PST

99 names of Allah

bismillah 99 names and attributes of Allah And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on him by them Allah's are the Excellent Names. Invoke Him by them. (7 :180) Abu Hurairah (pbuh)...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 09:46:00 PST

whats ur sign say. This was good. lol

Im a cancer.>>>AQUARIUSTrustworthy. >Sexy. >Great kisser. >One of a kind. >Loves being in long-term relationships. >Extremely energetic. >unpredictable. >from the future. >will exceed your expectatio...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST

Personality test I took

This is the result of a personality test i took online i cant rember the site i tried to find it again but lost it. It takes 7 categories and tells you what you fall under and a explanation  ...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 09:58:00 PST

Black Politics, White Minds and the X-Men

A great article sent to me by Omar very interesting     Beyond Children of the Atom: Black Politics, White Minds and the X-Men by Morpheus Reloaded original posting, May 8th, 2003   ...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 10:09:00 PST

Another Poem: Mother Africa

Mother Africa   Mother Africa is to who I speak, Your sight makes my knees grow weak. So advanced but yet so primitive The foot steps of civilizations rest between your feet. Mother Africa when I...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:21:00 PST

another poem from way back: Whos My Real Enemy

  Who's My Real Enemy       Who's my real enemy? Is it the cop who said stop, And drop to your knees, Back when I thought I was a little G? Or is it the surrpression, the governmen...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:25:00 PST

another poem: Jamal

Jamal   The hate that runs inside of me brings me to the state of confusion Cause as I stand before you on this date I'm seein illusions Not cause I smoked the drug that is said to cause euphoric...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:26:00 PST

A Poems i wrote a long time ago: My Memory

My Memory   It's been three years since my boy passed away, I sit alone on this sad ass day dressed in all black, Sometimes I wonder why life treated us so wack. You used to be there for me like...
Posted by A Pharoahs Touch Presents: Pharoah Najm on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:18:00 PST