Charon Grayi profile picture

Charon Grayi

i never check or update this anymore.

About Me

i never really know what to say on these "about me" type things. my mornings are usually spent wandering around the apartment trying to figure out what the cats have broken during the night in a bout of obscure feline vengeance, and if i have any time left over before lunch i try and work on my insect collection. i signed up for myspace because several friends have threatened to kick my ass if i didn't, and my friends are scary. i'm a model, a burlesque show performer, an assistant for a photography studio, and a burgeoning entomologist. (EDIT: i no longer check or use this site)

My Interests

many. and varied.

I'd like to meet:

i don't know. a polar bear. that would be really nifty. although, i don't really know what our conversation would be like. i suppose we would talk about seals. and the weather. then trade childhood trauma stories.


goth/industrial. but I'll pretty much listen to whatever is playing, because I'm lazy.


my, aren't you nosy.


it's mostly crap anyway.


Oh God. just give me a library, a feeding tube, and an I.V drip and i'm set for life


haven't found one yet. i'm beginning to get discouraged.

My Blog


in case you were wondering why i don't update anymore, it's because i've discovered the joy of livejournal.
Posted by Charon Grayi on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 05:42:00 PST

Who? Me?

i just woke up after last night's who-a-palooza. wow. everything that could go wrong to stop us from enjoying the glory that is who, did. i could go into an itemized list, but i won't. what i...
Posted by Charon Grayi on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 03:44:00 PST

Grope-a-palooza dosen't even cover it.

so yeah.  i went to B.A.G.G. and it was all i was expecting it to be...and then some. a hot cuddlebunny was there to keep me company, and instructed me in various techniques of making you ke...
Posted by Charon Grayi on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 01:20:00 PST


so i have to go out to B.A.G.G tonight in order to get measured for a costume. if anyone wants to join me in the shaking of tailfeathers, give me a call.  i enjoy dancing by myself, but am at hea...
Posted by Charon Grayi on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 02:15:00 PST


so sometime last night, my mantids all hatched! i had collected an egg casing during my last bug hunt, and have been on pins and needles hoping it would be fertile.  so now i have about 150 t...
Posted by Charon Grayi on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:59:00 PST

let's see if i can do this whole "blog" thing.

good god was i depressed last night. however, it is truly amazing how going out to a club and cuddling with beautiful people can perk you up.  well, that and having a husband who (even after a m...
Posted by Charon Grayi on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:54:00 PST