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Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
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Christian MySpace Graphics.. WORDS I LIVE BY
Pray without ceasing - Love with no limits - Give without expecting anything in return - Let your words be few - Treat others like you want to be treated - Dance like nobody is watching - Talk like the world is listening - Be Faithful - Always be ready to give an answer to the hope that is in you - Pray for others - Be kind - Rest in him - Favor can replace money - Think on his word day and night - Whatsoever you do,do in Jesus name - Always be ready to serve - Only what you do for christ will last - Live holy - Remember someone is always watching you - In all things give thanks - Trust him - There is no room for pride in the kingdom - He that walks with wise men shall be wise - A soft answer turns away wrath - Delight in his law - The eyes of the lord are in every place - There is nothing to hard for God - The answer to lifes problems are all in the book - Know them that labour among you - Be slow to anger - A true friend puts you first - Always listen before you give an answer - Seek him while he can be found - Be happy for others - Everybody is somebody - Don't allow people to talk you out of who you are - Be the best at what you do - All the promises of God are yea and amen - The best is yet to come. Be encouraged !!!
..Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
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