~HaVe YOu SeEN My BAseBall~ profile picture

~HaVe YOu SeEN My BAseBall~


About Me

I'm 5"10 BLuE EyEZ, ...I' LiKe To PaRtY An Be WiTh ThE LoVe oF My lIfE......SHe'S ReAlLy hOt n StuFF. I aLsO Am BlEsSeD eNoUgH tO HaVe ThE CoOlEsT 15 MonTH OlD SoN EtHAn!!!! I am worth $2,929,696 on HumanForSale.com

My Interests

SeX SeX SeX WiTh KaTiE, FoLf,BoXiNG, PeEiNg, AnD mY FoOt. I aLsO lIke tO GiVe KaTiE PEACHES!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh


I CaNt HeAr Im DeaF!!!! *WhAt DiD u SaY*http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/trailerpark- white-trash-lg.jpg To link it (the actual code):


I SoLd My Tv VcR DvD PlAyEr and a CoOkIe To A cOuPlE oF BeAvers


I ToLd U I SolD It @..$!%$!....




!!BaTMaN!!http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/straig htouttacompton.jpg To link it (the actual code):

My Blog

LIFE what does it all mean

This is the way i figure it. You live you die. The rest is up to the individual right. Or does some great power have a hand in it all?? Why do some ppl get the silver platter and some get the shi...
Posted by ~HaVe YOu SeEN My BAseBall~ on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:51:00 PST