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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

img src=" r.gif"I AM THE CO FOUNDER OF ONE OF METAL AND ROCK'S BEST KEPT SECRETS WIL DOGS (ALSO KNOWN AS DR MASTERMIND, THE FIRST PERSON IN PORTLAND'S MUSIC HISTORY TO REALSE A FULL ALBUM ON A MAJOR INDIE LABEL my specialties besides being a musical whiz kid are PR, cooking, art, bio chemistry,psychology of entertainment, entertainment law,producing film and video, and human relations. I am wrtiting my first book an autobioghrapy and hostory of thE 80's unsung metal bands called "FLOURISHING IN OBSCURITY" IF ALL GOESA AS PLANED IT WILL APPEAR ONLINE FOR SALE BEFORE TEH WINTER HOLIDAY. is my homesite i have several myspace pages including teh motorhead tribute that i play lemmy in- ace of spades. thanx for reading.. leave a comment

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