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About Me

I have failed many people!.. and many people have failed me! That is just one of the reasons I Love Jesus! HE NEVER FAILS! I am separated after 25 years of marriage.I have lost much in this life, but I have gained so much more through the Love, Grace, Mercy, and Faithfulness of Jesus Christ! "I live in a van down by the river!" j/k...When I leave this world, I imagine the preacher will say, " Here Before you lies the body of Sandman,. but it is just a shell...the nut is in heaven!"...I hope that it can be said with conviction that, "He loved God, he loved his family, he was a faithful friend..a man of integrity, character, and honor, that shared the Gospel in Word and deed with all that would listen and receive! Christian Myspace Layouts - Bible MySpace Layouts Christian Myspace Layouts

My Interests

God,the WORD,ministry,my kids,writing, history, art and art history,military history, sports (especially football and baseball) politics(but I don't put faith in politicians... they are just entertaining)the outdoors, hunting and fishing(but not much time for it)...there are lotsa' things I used to, and or, would like to pursue, just not enough time,(i.e, martial arts, golf, pottery, painting.

I'd like to meet:

I look forward to meeting JESUS face to face! If you are talking about mortals then I'd have to say most of the Bible Characters and other Historical figures. I love History...Shoot!.. there are jillions of folks throughout history that I'd like to meet...Michaelangelo,Carravaggio,John Singer Sargent,Edward Hopper, most of the impressionists well as Van Gogh,Mozart,Pres.Lincoln, many of the Founding Fathers,(maybe discuss a few recent supreme court decisions with John Jay), many military men, such as, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Patton ,Scipio, Rommel, Chesty Puller,Leonidus,U.S.Grant, Robert E. Lee,etc,as well as some of the men that served under them,.. a few Greek philosophers,..some mountain men like Jeremiah Johnson, Kit Carson, ppl from the old west, folks that crossed the great plains with not much more than hope and prayers, old cowboys, and lawmen like Wyatt Earp...many sports figures, ..there are just too many..and there are those in history who fascinated me, but I wouldn't want to meet. I'd like to meet Christians from places like the Middle East, the Sudan, China, India, and many other nations around the world, that are risking, or giving up their lives for the Gospel, and for their brothers and sisters in Christ!


I admire alot of singer's and musician's talents, in many genre, but I only listen to christian music on a regular basis,( contemporary christian,rock,country,bluegrass), there are a few "secular", or crossover songs too, (mostly country) that I like..if it has a positive message, something that encourages or makes one reflect,or moves me to tears(ex. I love that song "I believe" by Brooks and Dunn ...some artists would be 3rd day,jeremy camp,todd agnew, casting crowns...I like allison kraus and union station, too..creed ray boltz..and some guy named ROBB! to be honest...although I listen to music...I don't always pay attention to who sings it!


I enjoy dramas, and mysteries,psychological dramas,some comedies, some action films are ok if they are based on actual events, i.e black hawk down, we were soldiers,etc,...I don't really like chick flicks but occaisionally I have suffered through them with my enstranged wife and sweet daughter and actually enjoyed "Fried green tomatoes"...note*(when I was a heathen... people avoided church cuz u didn't wan't to be preached to, and went to movies to be I avoid movies cuz I don't want to be preached to..and its hard to find churches that aren't just for entertainment!)


I don't watch alot of tv,but when I do it is either one of the history channels, discovery channels, or court tv. the law and order shows are pretty good (C.I. the best..s.v.u. the least),lately I have been watching NCIS ...I like to watch some of the older shows that I grew up with, like Gunsmoke, on tv land.


the Bible,biographies,fact based historical novels,history in general, I was a voracious reader as a young man, I rarely read books other than the bible now...but occaisionally I find one that hooks me.


men and women of Honor and Integrity,... Character!..(without those qualities, we are not much, if any different from animals), people who serve, people who are selfless...who understand that there are things in life that are bigger than ourselves!