..MyHotComments :: ..HotFreeLayoutsMy twin and my Nephew
.. .. Cool SlideshowsFunn on a saturday night**
.. .. Cool SlideshowsAndrina and I
.. .. Cool SlideshowsME AND MAH GURLS
.. .. Cool SlideshowsCHRISTMAS EVE
.. .. Cool Slideshows********
.. .. .. .. .. .. Create Your Own!****Chillin' It With Family!!!!My Nephew, and Nieces. Papacitos, My GodDaughter Alijah...love ya sugah baybeh, and Alilah. My Pride and Joys!!!!Last Day of High School!!!
I listen to pretty much anything. check out my playlist!!
Well i'll pretty much watch anything. But im really into movies that are based on true events. I dont know why, but those seem to be movies that catch my attention. I also love Italian Mafia movies..... And Pretty much whatevrsw playing
american justice.. cold case files.. power pics.. suckerfree.. and let me think
Do magazines count????* ..
My family. They do so much for me, and sometimes i think they dont notice me or the the things i do, but they do. Im realy gratefull for the parents i have, my Mom, Dad, and Step~Dad. I love them to the fullest,they raised me so well. And im glad that im theirs and their myne. I couldnt imagine being brought up by any other family, or any other way. Luv ya sugah baybeh*