Jo*BabyGirll profile picture


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About Me

College: Ferris State University
Major: Television and Digital Media Production
Fact: You will see my name flashing in lights
Opinion: I'll let ch'you decide <3
Onto reality =]
I dislike:
rainy days that go on forever
milk (few exceptions...inquire within)
my feet
flying for 12 hours
slimy things
horror films
being chilly!
eggs without ketchup
being stressed
being indecisive at times
writer's block
I've made mistakes, some huger than others...but no one is perfect. I enjoy learning as much as I can. I want to travel, inspire, and captivate. I am a girly girl at heart, and I love my life. I've learned from lessons, and I continue to grow. The life experiences that occur make us stronger as people. Remember, looks can only get you so far, it's the person inside that counts...
Reality is what you make of it. Move on learn, from the past. I challenge myself daily, and stare at myself in the mirror every morning to know that I will become something better than I was yesterday. Through the pains in life, it brought me to have more compassion, love, and strength. I have overcome, fought, and now I stand into the present. Love until it hurts, hate until it hurts...emotions are what sets up apart from all of the living creatures out there.

My Interests

iced tea
palmer's half&half
kissing in the rain
making snowmen
antique stores
funfetti cupcakes
deep convo's
homemade lemonade
cliff protein bars
my cat
candy canes
taking walks
caramel apples
the ocean
being inspired

I'd like to meet:

They say true love only comes around once and you have to hold out and be strong until then. I have been waiting. I have been searching. I am a person under the moon, walking the streets of earth until dawn. There's got to be someone for me. It's not too much to ask. Just someone to be with. Someone to love. Someone to give everything to. Someone.
Henry Rollins


Johnny Cash
Rascal Flatts
Ashlee Simpson
Three Days Grace
Jason Mraz
Coal Chamber
Bon Jovi
Paula Abdul
Steve Vai
30 Seconds to Mars
August Burns Red
Oh, Sleeper
Avenged Sevenfold
Saving Abel
Black Light Burns
Imogen Heap
Sixx AM
Motely Crue
Brand New
Justin Timberlake
Bright Eyes
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley
Skinny Puppies
The Cure
Smashing Pumpkins


The Fugitive
Finding Nemo
The Matrix
40 Year Old Virgin
Knocked Up
The Butterfly Effect
Party Monster
The Notebook
American History X
Clockwork Orange
V for Vendetta
Edward Scissor Hands
Super size Me
Sweeney Todd
Pirates of the Caribbean
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Made of Honor
The Pursuit of HappYness
Chainsaw Massacre
Ice Age


Violin-Anne Rice
The Purpose Driven Life


my mom

My Blog

The Horatio Alger Myth

Introductory sociology is a promising way to have input and see why people are the way they are based upon the culture they live in. When you are growing up, you always have this sense of being someth...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 08:30:00 PST


I know with what I am about to say everyone wants. Why not? I deserve to have my hopeless romantic emotional crazy girly blogs.The Topic: Boys!!!!Single life it totally different. Part of me loves it ...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:06:00 PST

College is

amazing! I love it. I have met so many amazing people. This is such a great opportunity. It's crazy how much you learn about yourself in two weeks or so. I really do like myself, and I so don't mean t...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 09:59:00 PST

Implications and Conclusions

Oh, how I know that sounds so cliche', but it's true, it's true. You calm these inner demons that cast me down in pits. It's then I know you've always cared always. Where was I? I'm here now, wanting ...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:16:00 PST

my letter to God

Dear God, So today i am better. im better than i have been in a while. i walked away from You. there's a lot that has been going on. i got in contact with my brother to find out that my father has be...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 08:07:00 PST

You Make Me Feel

You make me feel....   incredible beautiful gorgeous content alive When I feel: terrible disgusting afraid scared defied   what did I do, to get you to be my one flesh??   Simply. Ilove...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 11:25:00 PST

Forget the World && Its Rules

ehhh I feel like when I write it's only when I'm upset or something. I will get to writing encouraging notes but right now, this is where I can vent, and it's okay to vent...where I know that someone ...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 12:25:00 PST

25 Things About Me

1. I would pick caramel over chocolate any day! 2. I hate tomatoes, but I love ketchup. 3. Taco Bell is my obessesion. 4. I hate the movie, scares me! 5. I have big feet, I wear a size 1...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 04:34:00 PST


Embrace Each and EVERY single moment. That phrase up above has impacted my life.  People have always told me that, and I have heard sermons having the idea of embracing each breath we breathe.&n...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:03:00 PST

A Simple Conclusion

So it seems to me that life in general is really filled with an innumorous amount of trial and obstacles--no brainer there! But, the thing is, or what I have been really noticing in myself is that I n...
Posted by Jo*BabyGirll on Sun, 21 May 2006 06:11:00 PST