Hello there your ever dashing, ever charismatic Brat Prince here,
I know I said I would never condone or contemplate the production of a website by a vampire, but ah how I was mistaken. I have changed my mind as you see and I am here for you all upon this vast and illusive internet.
I have begun my travels again, my little laptop in hand so I may speak with you all along the way. I meet so many people of many colors and cultures, it seems the world never changes, although it's outfit upgrades constantly. It may seem I am away more than I am home recently, but do not despair I can never stay away for very long. Leave me messages, leave me comments, and I shall reply when I see them. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions, what am I going to say, no? Oh such a terrible word, I was never much fond of it, though I'm finding myself using it more and more. I think I need to re access my values and remember who I am haha.
I'm sure you've all read my books and know of me, so there really is no point in repeating myself. You should all know what you're dealing with.
So I ask you to add me at your leisure and perhaps we can share some great secrets with one another.
J'adore vous!
Pour Toujours,