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† El Diablo †


About Me

Hello there pretty people my name in ben, it is indeed original... i like the name franklin caus that turtle was soo cool, i havent ssen the show since i was like 8... oh i remember back in the day, wow that was like 10 years age, amazing how time flies when i think about it but every day seems way too long.
anyways i am such a boring person and i write draw and talk to myself wayyy too much and now that i have my laptop with dictation and my tablet i do all 3 on the puter haha i love animals soo much, i hate my cat and everyone elses cats... except for lucky henry and sooty, all 3 of the work kitties... i love lucy haha and my baby lillypop...
i get bored very easily and i tend to waste time and money because of it, proof is in the pudding, and i like pudding... well american pudding over english pudding... american pudding is just custard which i like over the cakey pom ones... im half pom though but i speak very eloquently compared to my cousins and such haha... i do tend to use big words to make up for my lack of schooling... i chose to do life skills over conventional snr high school... and earn a pretty penny whilst i was at it haha and now i have skills to fall back on incase i cant get into engineering... how many of you can field strip and rebuild a harvester :) and basic mechanical skills are handy... tree teaching pruning and picking skills arent all that handy but hey a skill is a skill, i dont have all the office skills like computer literacy... well i do but not greatly... but i could never stand working in an office i despise suits and sitting at a desk all day not seeing natural sunlight... sweeny todd is an awesome play and the movie adaptation was rather close and an excelent film

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSUPecboPUU&feature=relat ed

bernard hopkins or brendan shanahan... greatest sports hero's ever
oh and tripple h... he is soo cool
and everyone else... ive met


everything that you dont like... Unless your sion, we have similar tastes... but mine is more lemony, a tad tangy not bitter, so lime I guess


I like the jackass movies, and anything wrestling, if it is cool and I could do it drunk then I like it


miami ink, tattoo wars, deadwood... OH and wrestling... i know its fake... fun to watch though...


i dont like books... i read alco bottles, does that count


all my ladie friends, love u all
all my man friends... my true heroes... well not really im better than most of them, so not so much heroes
Betty... I love betty, I can't wait to hold her in my arms... I lllooovvveee you betty xxx but we have to wait till we can be together
Richard... im gonna love to play with my dick haha...
Sion... my bestie by far, love that dude... my hetero life mate... im not gay
Brad "millsy" mills... both the soberest and the coolest guy ever i lurve you braddles... and he'd fuck me hard haha
Dozza... he's a mad bastard, i love that, he is the ninja master... and i am the apprentice... i learn i live i love, u are a down right champion
Bonnie "festivity" fesselet... DON'T MAKE ME USE MY HIGH VOICE haha I love ya bon bon... and now all my family seem to know it too haha
my siesta sista Emma... great drinker and partier... oh and she's my lovely lil sis, i love my sister and all my family
Mell... my masters missus and my niece i spose haha, love u to death... but she sure is LOVIN IT
Sonja... little miss bloke... blokeman and his sidekick wondermole
Curtis... what a tool but a champion none the less
BRETT... my awesum older brother, love him soo much but the old bloke doesnt visit me :*( ah well i have a laugh whenever he does come up... he taught me well when i was growing up, always there when the parents werent haha... WHATEVER MINGA
anyone else i might've forgotten... on purpose
and last but not least... my mum n dad for bringing me up the way i was, wasnt always great but they did the best they could... i wouldnt have it any other way