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~]\[ ][ ]{~


About Me

I'm 26 years old.......Yeah yeah yeah. Most of you on my friends list know who I am and what I am about. Some of you on that list don't even belong there. Those of you who are or aren't on that list and don't know....I'm a hard worker. I don't smoke as of recently. When I drink it's to have fun and not to act like an asshole. I don't gamble with money. I am respectful and honest to all those around me. I try to show integrity in all my actions. I do what I need to do to get on in this life and I enjoy every second of it. I love my family and my friends, they are great. I don't take the time to care what people think if it is going to hold me back from something I want and believe in. If I believe in something I fight like nothing else for it. There is more, so much more but only a select few will ever be lucky enough to know.

My Interests


A.B.C. Anything But Country!!


Watch em at home on the Big screen. Hate the movie theater.... Sometimes!!!


School's out bithces!!


My Mom is the best that there is. My father I'm sure would have been the best had he stuck around a little longer and I got to know him a little god rest his soul. My Grandfather is quite possibly one of the most amazing people that I will most likely ever have had the chance to know god rest his soul. And I think I have one of the smartest sisters on the planet.

My Blog

Living Life...... (Stolen Obviously)

**Live. Love. Open up to people. Learn from your mistakes. Don't complain about the same thing for more than three days. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Tell people how you fee...
Posted by ~]\[ ][ ]{~ on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 07:58:00 PST