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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a bit of Workaholic, I push myself to the brink of insanity on a regular basis to achieve the utmost perfection in all that I do, Im a bit of a perfectionist most of the time and do not take kindly to error, Especially when it could have been easily avoided. My two passions are Music and Politics, I adimantly despise rap, and I am more of a far right conservative than anyone you will EVER meet, I gurantee that. I'm a proud gun owner, Member of the NRA, and Don't give two fucks what any anti-gun liberals have to say about it. Guns dont kill people, Stupid assholes use guns to kill people, and each other, Dont take it out on the rest of us. Guns keep free societys free. And liberals despise free societys. If you want to fight crime, Prosecute and incarcerate criminals. I think (Actually I know) that the justice system in America is a total JOKE ! Any justice system which is more concerned about pandering to criminals then they are about standing up for what is right, Is a corrupt, and a devolving system. I feel that radical tree-huggers use the environment and its condition as a ploy to gain more control for thier own personal agenda, But I also do realize the extent to which man is destroying the natural environment around us, I think that most Developers are nothing more than economically driven pirates who dont care either way about the fact that thier destroying beautiful vast expanses of land, So long as they make thier profits in the end. I continuesly see huge areas of woodlands being cleared out for the construction of huge housing developments which are totally unnecessary and feel like spitting in the faces of those who authorize the projects, as well as those who willingly purchase these homes. There are more than enough houses already available, There is no need to destroy more land in the meantime. The majority of this distain for developers stems from my love for the outdoors, I fish all year round, Hunt, Shoot and Camp. I would much rather at any given time, Be out on a boat in the middle of a lake, then be in the presence of most people (but not all). I see America transforming from a once great, free, democratic society, Into a socialist, Liberal, Feminist, Nanny State. On this topic I quote one of my personal Heroes, Michael Savage. "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder" ! Americans nowday's feel that it is more important to "Be Cool" then it is to be responsible. Responsability in America nowday's is sort of a taboo subject, When it is in the best interest of the SYSTEM, they do all they can to impose it upon those who they feel are against them. But when the system feels that Responsability is not necessary, Because it would be against thier agenda, They do all they can, to try and convince you that they are right,And responsability is unnecessary, And if they cant convince you ,then they simply impose thier will upon you. For instance, If you were to default on your TAXES, The Government would be there immediately to repramand you, and collect. BUT if you are a woman who decides that You dont feel like having YOUR CHILD,For any reason you feel like using, Then the government tells you that its Perfectly OK to go ahead and MURDER your child. Yes, I said Murder, And thats EXACTLY what Abortion is!. If the American Government has such a fondness for Killing, Why don't they take that fondness and put it twords something constructive, Like Enforcing the Death Penalty ! What is the point of having it if your not going to use it ! Quit being Hypocritical, Take these Murderers, Rapists, Gang Bangers, and other dangerous individuals and Let them FRY !. I think that Everyone in, and affiliated with the ACLU, The Media, and the Government should be evaluated on an individual basis to scan for Anti-American, Anti-family, Anti-Democratic, Unconstitutional Biases, And those who are found to be harboring an Anti American Agenda, Should be deported immediately.I think that NAFTA is destroying our country, Our economy and our traditions, and As long as people are getting rich from it, Then nothing will be done. We export vast quantities of our natural resources to foriegn countries in exchange for cheaply made items, Which Americans could manufacture much more efficiently, and to much higher quality standards, But thanks to Unions, That stands no chance. We are eventually going to run out of natural resources if we continue this way, and at that point WE will be at the mercy of those who now have them. TO BE CONTINUED, TONIGHT SOMETIME, STAY TUNED !

Myspace Layouts at / Metallica Master of Puppets

Metallica - The Day That Never Comes

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

James Hetfield ! Kirk Hammett & Lars... Maybe Till Lindemann & Would've liked to have met Cliff Burton...And of course, Michael Savage.

My Blog

Take a look at this

..TR> Music A-Z Band?:  Metallica Favorite song by this band?: Fade To Black least favorite?: Anything newer than 98' Ever seen this band Live?: Of Course. A Band?: Alice in Chains Fav...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 00:30:00 GMT

So Depressing, A band in Shambles...

7/20/07 So it seems to be the unspoken final word, That unless some otherworldly unprescedented miracle takes place in the near future, that the band that we once knew will be in ruins :(You see, ther...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 22:53:00 GMT