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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I paint tee shirts and hats that are one-of-a-kind dedications to moe. I am currently working on past requests and cannot accept any new ones until January 2009. Send me a message if you are interested and I will put you on the list =).. .. ..Professional Chef. Hobby Crafter. I cook all of the time - both for work and for fun. I love people. I love food. I also enjoy travel - which I did travel around the country cooking in different cities for a bit. Maybe we met in San Francisco, on Nantucket Island or in Burlington, Vermont? That's where I met the love of my life, who is also a chef! I dig music, mostly the live jam scene. I always dance, lose sight of reality and let go with the feeling of the rythmn. I don't play any instruments but have been able to tap my feet to the beat my whole life. I love nature and animals. I have three freshwater fishtanks: one with a painted turtle named Terrapin Station. I have been fascinated with the ocean my whole life. In fact, I tried living in Vermont and found I felt too far away from it. I live on a brackish lake now, a little one with a little bayboat docked behind the house. I'm about a mile from the ocean by car, closer by boat! I like to hike and go camping. I like to make things, beautiful and interesting things. I paint tees and hats. I have been making beaded jewlery and twisting hemp knots for the past fifteen years. I can make just about anything crafty from ceramics to crystal tiaras to belts. I love working with my hands and I love to stay busy. Which is not to say I don't cherish a moment of doing nothing at all...

My Blog

Get YOUR OWN one-of-a-kind moe.tee !!

Pick from this list of songs and I'll paint your size Rebubula, Planecrash, NYC, Akimbo, Wind it Up, Wicked Awesome,  HAPPY HOUR HERO, Moth, Rec Chem!       &n...
Posted by on Tue, 02 May 2006 21:21:00 GMT