Beans profile picture



About Me

As it concerns this "About Me" business I've looked into the matter further. By looking into the matter further I mean I haven't done anything. Which is why I've drawn the conclusion that I'm not that interesting. I guess if I was interesting I would have done stuff. However, since I haven't I guess I'm not. Oh Well. Upon further review, as I re-read my profile for spelling errors, I noticed that I am either one of two things. I'm an emotionally repressed hypocrate who is oddly narcisistic for someone with such low self esteem. Or, I'm in a mood. It doesn't matter, I'm not changing any of what I've written. This is either because I remain steadfast in my dedication to honesty and the presentation of my own character or because I'm a quitter, as you may or may not find out later.

My Interests

My interests are mine to know and mine alone. If you really knew me then you'd know my interests. I am loathe to parade them about on the internet as I feel that websites like this are a barrier that keep people from forming genuine relationships with people through actual human contact. If you want to get to know someone go hang out with them.

I'd like to meet:

Alright, if you read my "About Me" and are still reading then you're a total trooper. I'm not really trying to meet anyone. I'm not trying to avoid anyone but I'm not really the type of person who exerts effort to meet people as I fear change and/or rejection. But, I guess I could meet someone if I had to. If you dont mind people with an odd sense of humor. However, I can only assume that the previous statement was futile considering that whoever "you" are "you" probably aren't reading this. Unless "you" consider "yourself" as the type of person who would be described as a "Trooper."On a side-note, none of those quotes were sarcastic quotes. They were all actual serious quotes. I hate it when people use sarcastic quotes anymore as people often use them wildly out of context.


I dont feel like saying what music I listen to. It's not important. I like what I like but I dont hold strong opinions on music anymore. I just dont think it's relevant.


In the second iteration of my profile I stated that, "I like movies with space ships, robots or movies that involved someone getting killed with a sword." In this, the third iteration, I stand by this statement. While I have expanded the range of my entertainment beyond improbable Sci-Fi non-sense my hunger for sword violence in films knows no satiety.


I dont even know what to say here anymore. I really think that the last person anyone wants to know about someone that they're reading about .. is what they're watching on T.V. It just sounds pretty boring to me. Of all the things that I dont read on the rare occasion that I do endeavor to read someones myspace profile this is just one of the many portions I ignore entirely. Which would serve as something of an irony because I imagine that no one is reading this. Which is almost funny, because the entire situation is almost profound, but not quite.


I don't really read too many books. I have recently started reading "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. I hear I'm a day late and a dollar short on that one 'cause most people read it in school. I really relate with the main character. Oh yeah, I've also started reading the bible again.Update: I stopped reading the bible. Also, I'm no further in having read "The Metamorphosis" than I was when I put this up. I'm basically a slug.Update: I'm still no further in any of these endeavors than I was when I posted the previous statements. I quit a long time ago and I dont intend to give it another shot. I'm a quitter. It bothers me, and I feel the need to change. However, in the fashion of a true quitter, I did nothing until I felt completely numb to that need.


"Every man what ever had a statue built of him was some son'bitch or another." If you know who I'm quoting then I probably know you. In any case, That's pretty much the best description of a hero that I've ever heard in my life.