Kiana profile picture


Shorty I'm Cer-Ti-Fied!!!!

About Me

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About Me And My Life
About you.
What's your name?: Kiana
Are you a male or female?: Female
Birthplace?: Brooklyn
Hair color?: Cherry Cola
Race?: African American
Zodiac Sign?: Sag
Favorite food?: Fried Chicken
Favorite drink?: Pepsi
Favorite candy?: Peanut Butter Cups
Best trait?: I'm very lovable
Worst trait?: My attitude
Favorite song?: Me, Myself, and I
Favorite movies?: Too Many!!
Favorite T.V shows?: Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewifes, Girlfriends, My wife and kids, etc....
Are you shy?: Somewhat
Do you have nicknames?: Ki-Ki
Do you have a label?: No
Does your school have cliques?: Asking the wrong person
Finish each sentence.
I wish i was...: Rich
I want to be a....: Billionaire
My best friend is....: always there for my drama
I am....: me. Take it or leave it
More about you.
Your favorite letter?: K
You're favorite number?: 4
Can you sing?: I can try
do you like to sing?: In the shower
Can you sing well?: Questionable
Do you play an instrument?: Used to....Clarinet
Have you been on stage?: Yup
Do you get stage fright?: In the beginning
What band do you perfer?: Too many
Favorite flower?: Purple Roses
Favorite time of day?: 3:30 ( when I get off of work)
How old do you act?: My age
Favorite name of the opposite sex?: Don't have one
What you look for...
What is most important in a person?: A person who is real and up front... (Don't hardly come across those)
What facial feature stands out the most or the one you value?: the eyes
Does their looks matter? Be honest you saints...: sure does
Do you like others or do others mostly like you?: Both ways
Does talent matter in a person?: It depends on the talent
Even more about you.
Smoke?: Nah
Drink?: On Occasions
Could you deny someone if they offered you one of those?: Yup
Do you have a job?: Yup
Do you want one?: I have one
As a tenn where would you wanna work?:
Do you know how to make a check?: Yup
Do you know how to balance a checkbook?: Yup
Would you rather read a book or magazine?: A book
Is this a good survey?: It's Ok
What matters most right now? Bf/Gf or school? Be honest, you saints!: My money
Grrr!: ?????
I just wanted a reaction for that last question and this one too, okay?: Ok
Do you like the rain?: When I'm not caught in it
Have you walked in it?: Yup not intentionally
Do you enjoy the snow?: It's ok
Which one of your friends go to you for advice?: All of them ( I don't have alot)
Are you popular or do you even have populairity at your school?: I keep tp myself
How did you like it?: well......
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