I'm a tech head. Computer, phones, video games etc. I on Anime all day Naruto, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Inuyasha, Full Metall etc. Up and coming glow stringer along with the rest of the Brooklyn Crew Seven , Aden P Dub and Little Aba.
My future wife Amerie. She just doesn't know as yet. I'd also like to meet Jason Kidd's son..... I'm interested to know if his head is as big as it looks on tv. He looks like your regular real life "Bobby's World" figure.
I listen to almost anything from jazz and trance to classical and j pop but I mostly listen to rap and r&b. Trent Reznor and 9th Wonder bring a tear to my eye.
Aside from the usual Jet Lee Karate flicks and tales of world disaster and demon slaying I’m gona have to say my favorite movie at the moment is Butterfly Effect. It got my attention because it shows how even the smallest decisions can have a large impact in a person's life and it also stressed how to gain something sacrifice is necessary
Chappel Show, Most Cartoon Network Programing ( adult swim etc.), Foot ball, B. Ball etc.