I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... profile picture

I'm usually on your 1st page of friends...

Sun=Libra Rising=Taurus Moon=Cancer

About Me

...just another EurAsian nobody tryin to be Don Quixote... people call me Justin or somthing like that..My Cousin Sheena singing the National Anthem at a Nationals game 8/16 filmed by yours truly...A little video I did a while ago...for MORE videos check out my blog up above titled "I'M MAKING SOME MOVIES!!!"..

My Interests

Comedians at this point: Louis C.K.(http://www.louisck.com) and Mitch Hedberg(http://www.mitchhedberg.net) Both of these guys are fuckin funny ass mother's

I'd like to meet:

I'm waaaay too caught up in my fantasy world to meet anybody real..


"so many tears i've cried... so much pain inside... but baby it ain't over till its over..." ;p .... grew up an r&b and soul head...Maxwell is probably closest to my inner person.. but open to most music...


"What is this thing that happens with age? Why does everyone want to pervert Love and suck it bone dry of all its glory? Why do you even bother to call it Love anymore?"


don't... except the occasional show or sporting event... other than that its probably being used as a videogame machine ;p


lol.. I know you're going to hate me for this Anthony since you introduced me to this little ditty... Sparrabeth


well.. one of them is Mestre Cobra Mansa ... Capoeira Angola for three years thanks!

My Blog

Vegas Trip Pictures Up! well.. some of them...

I was in Las Vegas from 7/01 to 7/06/07 with 9 close friends and my middle brother.  Some of the pictures have been posted in my photo album as I get them from my friends, for more check out Pete...
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 04:14:00 PST


were you born to resist, or be abused?!...again, and again, i do it the same way..not this time though....
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:41:00 PST


    Some things, you just gotta do.  Ya know?
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:18:00 PST

After Oct. 12....Wow, thanks everyone...

I can say the biggest surprise for my birthday this time around was recieving over 30+ messages/comments on myspace and friendster from people wishing me a happy one.  That doesnt include the hal...
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:40:00 PST


well.. for those of you who actually read my blog...i've been filming some short comedy films with my friend anthony...check them out athttp://www.youtube.com/profile?user=cpereyra click 'See All Vide...
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:02:00 PST

c'mon 300!!

as of 4:51am on 6/27/06 i currently have 299 friends... c'mon 300!! 
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 01:52:00 PST

where I've been in the world...

man, i'm so bored i feel like posting the places I've traveled to in my short 26 yrs here on this earth (most of these have been prior to the past 3 years or so where I've sucked on traveling)... so t...
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 09:19:00 PST

its hard to imagine sometimes but wow...

i was just thinkin about the number of people i'm connected to on this website.. and i think i've met pretty much everyone i have on my friends list about once.. give or take 15-20 random people i've ...
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:19:00 PST

they say they say

they say if you keep on keepin' onyou'll get what you want...man...i'm ready to give up..
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 04:05:00 PST

man i'd like to visit this place someday....

this is kinda random but i was just thinking about vacationing and places that i'd like to go someday...and well its kinda always been a dream of mine...i'm also kind of  a history nerd...but I'd...
Posted by I'm usually on your 1st page of friends... on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:20:00 PST