Hooplah! Hi im Blake! i like newdalsz! One day I will be this best Actor on Earth and you will all pay to watch me! But for right now I'm just the coolest guy you know XD I have a family! and people I like but that aren't as awesome as me... I personally know Jesus Christ so don't piss me off ,we'll T-bag your mom! Okay okay this isn't really Blake but I'm going to tell all of you all the incredible stuff i know about him!
His fav colors red, he aspires to be a great actor, and as stated above he looooovvves newdles and not his calculator! His favorite band is System of a Down. Blake's an all around people person. Go Blake!~~~~~Kaity~lynn♥For Blake - Polyvore
For Blake lolz by wilting-rosebud featuring Ylang|23 brooches
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