Mocha Sake profile picture

Mocha Sake

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Bunch of Random Crap!:
How tall are you? 5'5 (with brown eyes, smile like the sunrise)
Do you like bananas? Yes...yummy
What is your favorite song of all time? Whenever, Whereever, Whatever by Maxwell
What do you do on Fridays? Go to work, lay around the house
Flip flops or sandals? Sandals
Vitamin Water or Gatorade? Gatorade
Have you had a beer in the past week? No, but I think I might have one this week
If you could have one super human power, what would you choose? I wish I could fly
What is your favorite place? The beach
Do you read Harry Potter books? Nope
What is your favorite food? Pizza!!!
Where do you want to travel next? London
What is your favorite PJ fabric? Nothing like the touch, the feel of's the fabric of our lives
Boat or bus? Sailboat
Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore? If I have to go in my purse to get it, ignore
Do you shower every single day? Yes
Kill the spider or let it out? After building up my courage, kill it...those suckers bite you while you're sleep
What is your favorite TV show? Man vs. Wild, Iron Chef, Grey's Anatomy, ANTM, and Project Runway
Do you eat cold cereal at night? Nope...not in the daytime either
Define yourself in 3 words? Intelligent, Funny, Sexy
Would you rather be blind or deaf? Blind...I couldn't live without being able to hear music
Are you a cat or a dog person? Cat, but I'm allergic
Which is worse? A bad laugh or a bad cough? Bad cough
Favorite fruit? Apple
Juice and crackers or milk and cookies? Juice and cookies
Who are you going to vote for in 2008? Obama
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape or other? Internet Explorer, but then again I don't know any better
What was your last thought? I need some TLC
Favorite element? Air...gotta be able to breathe
Where is Waldo? Well, he's not in my back pocket so I'm not quite sure
Why did the chicken cross the road? He had no choice...he walks that way to work everyday, but somebody built the road in his way
Your favorite Disney films? Lion King
If you had to pick one car, which would it be? BMW 335i with the convertible hard top or the Bently Continental GTC
Most embarrassing moment? I always trip and almost fall in the same spot at the gym...that floor is not level
Most memorable past? Cuddling...I miss those days
What is your favorite clothing brand? Don't have one, if it fits and it's not made from itchy fabric, I'll wear it.
Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other? Concert
Favorite Place to Eat? I love to eat...I don't think it's fair to choose one favorite.
Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? Left arm
Would you rather be hot or cold? Hot
T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Cingular/AT&T, or Sprint/Nextel? None...they all suck
Water or 100% Juice? Water...hydration is life fool!!!
What size shoe do you wear? 8 1/2 or 9
How do you feel? Sleepy
Romance or Kinky Sex? Both...every woman wants the best of both worlds ;-)
Get the number or give the number? Give the number
When do you plan on getting married? I don't plan anymore, it will happen when it's time
Do you have any tattoos, and if so what and where? Yes...Adinkra symbol on right lower back, Flying Unicorn over my left shoulder, and 'Live, Love, Laugh, Learn' on my left side
Who do you admire most? My Mom and My Grandfather
Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have? My plants are my pets...Huey, Sal, Flora, and JuJu Bee
Where do you see yourself in five years? Happily married, with a baby on the way, making 16k more than I do right now
If you had only six months to live, what would you do first? Thank God for the past 26 years
What is your favorite word? Yes
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Spain
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