First and foremost, my given name is XISHEL, DJ name Lady X but everyone just calls me X. I'm 5'6" and fun fun fun. I'm a DJ in this lil jewel we call Belize and I'm pretty good at it! I love what I do and I put a lot of time and energy into it! I kinda try to prove myself with what I do...just to show people that women can be just as good as men or even better! Although I'm a DJ and I'm at the "hype" parties, I tend to be a lil boring, I can be a real "house mouse" as anyone who really knows me would tell u. I enjoy some of the simpler things in life unless that comes to my techs (cd player, computer etc.)
Hailing from a small country in Central America called Belize. Lady X grew up listening to music so it was simple for her to discover an immense love for music at a very young age as her father owned a music store and was also a DJ. Although loving music, she never pursued the DJ field until her last year of high school where she just "tested" the field playing with some of her father's players. Doing so she grew a great love for playing the music and trying to make perfect blends.
She got her first break playing in the club at her father's birthday party in 2005 (after graduating from high school). Realizing that she had a natural talent for selecting, she continued to pursue this field. She has peform at many of Belize's top parties where she
has djed all over the country. Now living in Los Angeles, she is continuing with her love of music and djing.