...I defy gravity... profile picture

...I defy gravity...

defiant in the face of impossibility!!

About Me

GREETINGS! The name's Henry (unfortunately) I'm 18. I'm half chinese, half caucasian - I didn't ask to be it just happened that way. I'm gona be at Bristol uni from the october to studdy all them mathsy subjects that everyone hates. I like to think that I could walk the extreme road of life if I wasn't so lazy, but I'm getting there slowly. I pracice Wing Chun and Parkour n I love 'em both, and I'm always up for a laugh of any sort.
Myspace is a place for friends, so here it goes - these are my bestestestestestest mates and I'm gonna miss 'em all loads when I'm away at Uni
Johnny: The only guy from Holgate that I've kept in touch with, but really he's the only one worth keeping in touch with. Always got somethin amusin to say - whether it's about beating on the old holgate cockfaces (Chris, Isles, Goodliffe) or just about pop culture in it's entirety - I guess he kinda embodies Quentin Tarantino movies. Been my best mate since year 8......I think, but we shoulda been brothers.
Alex: This guys one of the coolest cats I met at Wath comp - a real lady killer ;-) Along with Dinos he knows about every quote from the simpsons, South park and Team America which provided endless fun in Maths. Seems to know just about evryone (kinda like a little shrew god).
Dinos: simply a God of letters and numbers, HE WAS ON BLOOMIN COUNTDOWN!!!!! All about the music, you need only cast your glance leftwards to observe the greatness. (what would Tony Lewis do?)
Wardy: What can I say, she's just great, really passionate about everythin she does and always works hard to get exactly what she deserves. She loves basketball and Kris - and yes I still fancy her! Barely seen her over the Summer Holidays and she continues to be reclusive despite the fact she's still studying nearby
Waki waki!!!: Awesome girl hailing from foulstone, has a had a completely random life but still seems to be 100% sane. She's my AAAC results buddy and now she gone all the way up North to be a Doctor. Still the most interesting person to talk to on a miserable British day and hopefully will be for many years to come.
Leespoon: This guys cool even though I'd never say it to his face. Gone the vast distance to Hull to do......erm.....I forget. But let's hope he's always there to take the piss out of :)
Joanne: another former foulstonite. She’s the third part of Waki and Wardy that doesn’t start with W (you can see why I get confused). The great aspiring writer, destined to break book office records. And she's definitely one of a breed of resilient alcoholics
Vardy: This guy seems to balance out my randomness pretty well, a devout christian and always up for a fight or general madness. Good luck with the job hunt!
John: One of the few people that I saw all the time but rarely got to talk to. But, meh he's cool 24/7 and rules at anythin that I completely suck at. GO! Plumber man GO!
Dennis n Gordon: (both girls for any1 uninitiated) these 2 are like the ultimate team. Although they have temporarily split to pursue their chosen careers, they're still both deadly with a bottle of spirits.
The year 13lettess: these lucky mugs have inherited our beloved corner which, however, they did earn through much blood and sweat and tears and M&Ms
*Twiggy: tall skiny guy is well weird but he made this funny as hell film on his mob
*other Johnny: seems a bit of an oddball at times but still cool
*Sally: blonde, blonder and more blondest. Did I miss anything - OH YEAH, she's blonde.
I feel I shud give a mention to the guys at parkour who have all taught me to be that little bit more extreme. Big shout out to James who taught me to flip. And to Danny who wrote the shizzle that is the Northern Parkour rap!!!
Want 2 talk find me on MSN [email protected]

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My Interests

X-men, Film, PARKOUR, Wing Chun Kung Fu, SLEEP

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Buddha, Spongebob, anyone......

out of famous people I'd like to meet Quentin Tarntino and Eli Roth

Create your own Friend Quiz here



Team america, Xmen trilogy, Quentin Tarantino movies, fight club, Hostel, Robert Rodriguez movies, Kevin Smith movies

My Blog

too lazy to come up w/ a witty title

So i hear you ask, How's university Henry? I hear myself thinking.......meh, 'sorite I'm not going to say I'm appalled at Oatz and Alex and Sally's complete lack of blog attention for the past-what-se...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 08:19:00 PST

Blogging - the art of pretention

35. Your Most Missed Memoryhaving fun with everybody back up north47. In the past month have you Drank Alcohollet me think.................................yes2. What's the most exciting thing that hap...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 05:19:00 PST

"This guy’s like Charles Bronson in the Great escape - he’s diggin’ tunnels!"

No, the above quote is not a metaphor for me getting laid As I completely neglected to mention in any previous blogs, comments, bulletins or messages - I went caving this weekend!! *pause for the...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 01:41:00 PST

You know you’re a student when......

.....you find this written on the wall of the maths department bogs "Why did the chicken cross the moebius strip?......." "to get to the other...........hm? at the very least, Oatz will get it ...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:40:00 PST

did you know Embargo backwards is "O Grab Me"

WARNING: severe length content!   just thought I'd update this seeing as I have absolutely nothing else to do but starve until dinner time So, to pick up where i left off (see previous blog) - we...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 08:59:00 PST

half way through freshers week

greetings from down south!! got here on sundy and unpacked (ish) got to go to plenty of exciting meetings *insert saracsm*and talks with hall wardens and deputy tutors and security officials et cetere...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 06:57:00 PST

My relationship with reality is fragile......to say the least

Well everyone I know (apart from stupid Oates) has gone to Uni and left me to envy their stories of completely-not-at-school-anymore-ness I have all my paper work filled out (I hope), I've got a libra...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 02:56:00 PST

Death Proof review

Abridged review ------ You'll fucking love it  believe me!!!! ----------..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />   Full Review   ...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 05:21:00 PST

Martin Clunes can’t help you now!!

the events you are about to witness occured between wednesday night and the moment that the cat came into henry's room screaching it's damn head off on thursday the 30th of september With all of ...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:52:00 PST

Dog racism, cuggles and kitchen appliances

It recently came to my attention (while I was sober no-less) that we very frequently discriminate dogs based on their breed think it through::::::::::::::::::::> the labradors and the rough collies ar...
Posted by ...I defy gravity... on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 02:43:00 PST