I'm from Northern Virginia, which should never be refered to as NOVA. Nova is the community college where the 'n' stands for 'knowledge.'
I have three awesome families, which adds up to a combined total of three moms, two dads, six sisters, one brother, seven cats, a bunny, a gerbil, and a partrige in a pear tree (ok I don't really have a partrige, but one of my sisters has three parakeets) Most of the year I'm away from all three down at Hollins University, which is a dream school for girls and guys alike. Hollins is a women's university which makes it an awesome place to get an education and as it is all women boys are always trying to find excuses to come over.
When I'm on break you can find me in...actually you probably wouldn't be able to find me. Between Chantilly, Herndon, Bethesda, JMU, and CNU not to mention my assortment of part time jobs, I'm kinda hard to run into. But I do try to make time for friends and if you gimmie a week ahead's notice I can usually pencil you in for an hour or two.
R Revolutionary
I Inspirational
A Astounding
N Noisy
N Neat
A Accurate
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