thai food, guitar, drums, recording, surfing, skating, int. politix, neon clothes, grotesque hats, vinyl records, cassette tapes, cooking, bike rides, fairweather padres fanship, reading, sweatpants, socialism, kombucha (thanks nima), kittens, new socks, old fashioned values
i've never met a jacuzzi i didn't like
bruce springsteen/nebraska, kinks/village green, animal collective/strawberry jam, the boys/alternative chartbusters, desmond dekker, nardcore compilation, breeders/pod, the raincoats, the ponys, mark sultan/sultanic verses
recent views - my own private idaho, elephant man, wild zero
pete and pete, six feet under, weeds, party police, lucky louie, frisbee dog competitions, high speed police chases, flight of the conchord, dexter
currently reading (but not necessarily finishing) the prince/machiavelli, god and the state/bakunin, black marxism/robinson