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About Me



Im Meqan//Drives her lil jeep//workinq qrl//SHS student// WIFED.//
I'd say i have a good heart, Id put someone else before myself anyday
but dont take my kindness for weakness
non-judgemental. Because i despise people like that
ill accept anyone thats downn
I dont expect life to be fair. && that why i dont hold grudges.
i Trust no-one. sad to say but this generation is "FUxED!"
I can be shy at times.
&& some mistake it for me beinq stuckup ,
but im no where near it. Matter fact i hate snobs. SOmeitmes not getting what you want , grants you goodluck
every person you meet knows something u dont; learn from them.
because the more you know..the less you fear.
beautiful you may be , if you dont have personailty you dont have anythinq. Just As they say "Beautiful on the outside but in the inside you ugly"
i will never take another person for granted.
Atleast i will try not too..
Cherish those who love you. && let go of the ones that dont need you
ALWAYS learn from your mistakes.
Lifes too short for stress. I try && aviod it. or keep myself too busy to even come across it.
but i know we all stress at times..its part of life
ive learned that people change, && that even the closest people will easily walk out of your life,
n..d as much as i hate change,
i need to learn to change along with it. or ill get left in the past..
im a random qirl. But ill try my hardest to make you smile ;)
Music is beauty,
I know i cant see it.. But the sound of it is just
I love all types of it. Not pickkyy with it.
matter fact, im not really pickyy with anythinq or anyonee. except the dirtyy talking underground
raping music.. its very vulgar to me lol
not my style i guess?
partyinqs gettinq kind of old to me, but whatev's where ever theres music i know ill shake my lil bootyy to it anyday
people will doubt you everday.
Thats why you smile & let them know there wronq..without even sayn a word
everyone is entitled to there own opinion
Whenever put in a bad situation , always handle it with class.
Because know..that someone will always be lookinq at you.
As an example of how you behave
dont let that person down
if your full of drama. && only feel need to talk down on others.
DOnt even waste your time nor energy tryinq to get to know me.
Because you will be a joke in my eyes.
im a complicated qrl. what can i say.
I do and say thinqs i dont even understand sometimes..And honestly, i think thats what makes people talk so much, because they dont Nessicarly know how to take me
Aviods negativitey.---&& try to aviod conflict.
People are gonna act n..d say what they want.
regardless of you opinion.
so let them be them. n..d just see wheather that person is someone you want in your life
Im rude for a reason,
Sensitive because i have feeliqs pardon ON me.
I act . dress . talk. walk .the wayy i want too. I have a reason behind everythinq. i know where my flaws are i dont need you pointing them out, just LEARN to accept me without judgement. && if you dont feel the need to understand me, than theres no need to keep me in your LIFE..

My Blog


I've started to look at the world through new eyes, and I've came to terms that I am not perfect, and that not everyone will always love me, appreciate or approve, of the things I do or who I am, and ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:02:00 GMT

Livinq in the moment ;;e

"An amazing life requires living in the moment" So many of us spend big chunks of our day- sometimes even weeks at a time- oblivious to the reality of the moments that make up our lives. We spend the ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 20:08:00 GMT