I get most of my music fix from the Buzz. Well, let's see, there is Nickelback, Green Day (anybody who knows me knows I've been listening to these guys since the Kerplunk days), 3 Doors Down (I've seen them in concert 4 times in the past three years and they get better every year), Trapt, Staind (old and new), Theory of a Deadman (love me some Theory), and so many more!
The Simpsons! What can I say? I started watching them with my cousin Micah back when they first aired. We recorded every single one of them and would re-watch them together. Yeah. We were dorks. I was a pretty big fan of the X-Files series too. I guess trying to explain the unexplainable can grab your mind and keep you addicted. Definately a Family Guy follower. I even have one of Quagmire's sayings on my phone. "Gigedy, Gigedy, Gig-e-dy!" I found myself watching Smallville. When it first came out, my bud Tracy told me how crazy some of the special effects were. The story line goes well with Superman in his younger days.
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