im jenny aka Red Dragon at werk you may no some of the your respect 39744127 represent,
i like stuff and things,
anything that will amuse me,small things amusse small minds..and im amussed by bouncy ball...
you gota love getting drunk..every wednesday at tracks or the ranch and dam near every weekend=)
gigs every other weekend is a must!! support your fav bands
im a manager at KFC...errr gay... but the peepz i werk with are fucking stuck there cos like 2 years ago i broke my neck in a car crash so ima in and out of hospital and do heaps of yea i need flexiable shifts...
i will hate you untill i no you..but always up for wasting time by chatting,
i have insomnia,
3 cats jubjub, calsifire cally for short and reeko
3 fish frick frack and freckiles.
percings 2 snakebits 1 labret 1 tounge and 5 ear peircings, 1 tattoo with many plans to get more=D
it is always electric epic or fresh except when im not bovard!!!1
i have aswome friends who get me and we always help each other out...we laugh cry and make up wired stoires when were bored...EXAMPLEi have a fish named wazza and he was walking down the street to get a hair cut but then he relised im a fish i dont have hair! luckly the hair dresser was doing free hair transplants to earn some extra money after wazza got his new hair he thought it was way to awsome to cut and went back to the ocean.while swimming in the ocean gaz the octapus,wazzas best mate,saw wazzas hair and dreampt of having hair that he could call his own, so he made the long journey to the hair dresser he was so excited that he forgot to tell the hairdresser he wanted a hair transplant and the hair dresser just assumed he had dreadlocks in wired places, gaz was shocked two see his tenticals gone and bonced back into the ocean.wazza was showing off his new hair when gaz bounced toward him wazza was scared and thought gaz was a deadly blowfish,wazza picked up a near buy sword fish and stabed gaz through the heart then sold him to the local chinese food shop.wazza the only fish in the ocean with hair was now also the richest fish in the ocean and lived happily ever after,but to this day wonders why gaz doesn't return his calls
ENDthats all im bovard to right
read it dont read it i dont care you slags