Beck profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a Mom to two beautiful little girls, The Princess & The Peanut. I work full-time for the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, helping to plan & coordinate special programs & events for 41 branches throughout Hamilton County plus the Main Library downtown. My husband, of over 10 years, also works for the Library as a Security Officer (yes, we met at the Library!). ~*~*~ If I'm not working, then I'm hanging out with and taking care of my girlies.

My Interests


I listen to a plethora of different music. Pretty much whatever happens to strike my mood at the moment.


I watch alot of different kinds of movies... but nothing SCARY! Mostly these days, though, my existance is pretty "G-rated" - lots of cartoon / Disney movies!


These days I've been watching Ugly Betty and America's Next Top Model. I still like House, M.D. but haven't been very good about keeping up on the storyline (I think I'm about a season behind)! I'm also, admittedly, an American Idol & So You Think You Can Dance? junkie! Of course, I never get to watch anything when it's actually on, but you gotta love DVR!!


Well, I work in a BIG library! So, I pretty much read anything I can get my hands on.... whenever I have time (which isn't all that often anymore!). Just nothing too SCARY! I don't like SCARY!


My girls are my heroes. They teach me patience and tolerance and their innocence constantly reminds me that anything IS possible!

My Blog

Posted by Beck on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 08:59:00 PST