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LIKES: music, gigs, clubs like subculture, art inc. painting, sculpture and print. Myspace, amoi, friends, gory horror films, anything sick or origional, giallo, crappy unrealisic 'dont go in the woods...alone' horror films from the 80's, cheesy movies, cartoons, scrubs, house, my family, my dog Zoe, university, my university mates, my art course, crazy clothes, pizza, rain and moths.
DISLIKES: fakes, liars, cheats, chavs, the posh, 'normality', 'reality', work, the mundane, pop, indie, emo, horror films with 15 ratings to secure a large teen market, sony, spam emails, messages about hating specific people on myspace, msn crashes, religion in general, any minority group imposing itelf on the majority, early prison release, needles and brain freeze.