So many to really to even mention...but maybe, perhaps over time I'll get it all sorted out. I hope you enjoy some of these things too! Let me know, if you do! I love rymeing my words, singing in Seusical undertones. I love being free and being me. Life is an oasis of dreams and exploration. A call to chance it all and go for what one dreams of. I dream of sunsets, sunrise, moonshadows cast on mountain sides and reflected by rippling waters. Dew drops left over from the ephemeral change of cold to warm. I love laughter, all sorts. Cackles, hee haws, snorting. Just don't hold back. I love new faces, friendly and feared. There's beauty in all of it. I love dancing, spinning wildly, uncontained. I love creating music, although am still working on feeling free with it. I LOVE THE OUTDOORS! This is where I most feel alive, free, able to unleash my uncontained being. Along with that I love hiking, climbing on rocks, swimming, paddling a canoe, kayak, raft, floating device of all sorts! I love watching the birds, listening to the still of the world and hearing my own breath melt into it. I enjoy collecting feathers, rocks, bark, leaves, an occasional bones; but only those which come to me. One should never seek out to capture the power of another spirit. I love hanging out, listening to music and going to big shows, small shows. In general, I love living, and living with those who also know this love.
Anybody and everybody traveling the trail with a conscience mind and an open heart. The keepers of ancient wisdom. Those connected and rooted.
Almost anything! But what really gets me is soul soothin, hip shakin, groove movin, drum and base. Not of the tchno sort, though (although I have ahd a few rounds with it in Europe!) Its that moment where you never know what's going to happen next, when your body is just flying on the fringe of each beat, each tone, and you just do. You are the music, you go with it, it takes over and you never even thought about, or tried to realize what was going to happen next, but you know.
Simpsons, Family Guy, Thundercats, and Snorkels. Oh, don't forget Fragle Rock. Down in Fragle Rock! Hmmmmm......most of it today is really just CRAP. Don't you think?
Currently Tom Robbins. Just give me an easy going author to relax my mind and open the imagination. I work too hard these days to read anything otherwise.
Those that can fly. Check out my pics, there's a prime example. cRAZY pROPS tO, oh yeah! mR. cLASS cLOWN hIMSELF! bEL aIR hIGH 1998! cRAZIEST kID oUT tHERE, oFTEN tHE mOST vULGER and mISuNDERSTOOD. tHE oNLY oTHER fRUIT i KNOW. wHAT's wRONG wITH THE rEST oF people?