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Big Tone

We Aint No Joke

About Me

cars layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsWhats crackin wit you? A little about me, I'am from Colorado and I love it out here. Most people call me crazy, but im not, in my opinion I think alot of people are crazy. Well I'am 6'3 about 235 pounds and I am an African amercian male, and I love my life. One thing about me, is that I'am a real person, Not fake, like some people out there. I enjoy life to the fullest. I am a christian in life and I love god so much. Life has been so great to me. Life is like spades, if you play your cards right, it can be great, but you have 2 work hard. A wonderful mother that takes care of me and my brother, who is a little crazy. Like I said, I think that people are just crazy, thats what makes the world great, crazy people. I work at a correctional faciility and I love my job, I love the people I work with, and I love the kids they are all great. Well thats yo boi big tone in the house so holla at your boy.

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My Interests

..I love playing video games, playing sports such as Basketball & football. I also love surfing the net, but who doesnt? I don't know about u, but lately I just have been lifting weights, trying 2 get my cut on, and I have to say that I am seeing results. Like I said I'm a christian and I love to read the bible and to apply it in my life. I work hard, and when I am not at work, I'm usually lifting, or just being with my family and friends. I have all the video game consoles from atari to the xbox 360. But I also like just pick up and go. My interest is pretty much everything. Lately I found out that I also like going to church. But I a also like to dance, just enjoy life, doing what I love to do and that is to serve God. I love watching wrestling, you know the entertainment? One thing about me is that I try to learn something new everyday about my life. I learn something new everyday. Because just like my best friend joe said, sometimes you got to let the mind flow, and thats what I do to keep it real to let the mind flow.

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I'd like to meet:

I want to meet great people, people that are not afraid of life, and want to enjoy their life. I don't want to meet someone who's boring. It really doesn't matter to me, as long as the person enjoys life to the fullest. I love people that enjoy life and love God. It doesn't matter if you are a christian, but appreciate life for how beautiful it is. I'am a peoples person, you can call me the peoples champ. lol, no j/k I can get on any level with any converstation. so thats me, and who would i like to meet? For starters Jesus christ, but also Salma heyek, Halle berry, or Jennifer anniston.

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..I love listening to boyz II men, and I also like Ne-yo. Alot of classical music, I don't listen to rap no more, to me I have no taste in it. But lately I listen to christian,gospel and worship music, that really lifts my sprits up.

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My movies are like my music I watch movies alot. I especially love to go out to the movies. I watch mainly pg-pg-13. After awhile to me it seems not so funny. I just love enjoying movies that don't have to use that much violence, killing and dirty language.

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I dont watch television as much as I use to. But I like the tv land because it brings back the old times.Sanford & Son, Good Times. I like the old school tv shows, but I will get down with the new school. But you have to still give old school the thanks.

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Lateley I have been so much into Gods Word and to me its more than just a book, it is a life tool. And that book has changed my life so much. But there are other tools that goes along with the bible such as the reference tool and how to get closer to god.

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On memorial day I lost someone dear to me and that was my father. So one thing that I can say is that my father will always be my hero. I love him so much. And there is not one superhero such as superman, batman or whoever, that has anything on my father.

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My Blog

my father

The man I lovedFor showing me loveFor helping me grow upFor giving me everything he hadFor helping me understand who I wasFor being there for me no matter whatHe was my father The man I lovedHe was a ...
Posted by Big Tone on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:44:00 PST

my dad

Daddy come back.I want you back.Why did you have to go.It's just not the same without you.We still get mail with your name on it.It makes me sad every time i see the envelopes.Mommy's always crying.Sh...
Posted by Big Tone on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:42:00 PST

Happy Easter

It's Eastertimesuch a miraclous dayA Savior's resurrectionas death gave wayReceive the bloodas you drink the wineTake of the breadof His body divineMay this time of peacefill every heartMay the Spirit...
Posted by Big Tone on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 01:53:00 PST


When you get on your knee'sTo say your prayer'sLet the Lord up aboveKnow how much you careIf you have sinnedYou must tell him soEven though in your heartYou know he already knowsIt's up to youTo come ...
Posted by Big Tone on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 01:52:00 PST


The thorns were made into a crown,And placed upon His head,They pieced His skin and made Him bleed,As He became very dead,Three seven inch nails were used that day,To hold Him upon the cross beam,A gu...
Posted by Big Tone on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 01:27:00 PST


like lil jon would say, what, or what, no the reason, that i am posting this blog, usually i would say or post some life poem or love poem.  but i am posting, a real life topic, one thing that i ...
Posted by Big Tone on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:37:00 PST

When I Neede You Most

You were there for mewhen I felt empty and aloneYou took me in your armsmade me part of your homeTogether we made a familywe wrestled our fearsWe went through the valleyswiped away each others tearsI ...
Posted by Big Tone on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:41:00 PST

Your Love

I think about your loveand what it means to meWould you swim the deepest ocean?would you cross the widest sea?Do you really think of meam I always on your mind?Am I the sweetest valentinethat you will...
Posted by Big Tone on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:40:00 PST


L is for the sweet LOVEthat you have given meO is for the ONLY ONEthat there will ever beV is for your sweet VOICEthat I long to hearE is for EVERI long to have you nearI LOVE YOU!...
Posted by Big Tone on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:39:00 PST

If Beauty Had A Name

With each passing dayI look forward to seeing youIt's almost as if my life was shattered And now your hereMy dream come trueI never thoughtFeelings would growBut you proved me wrongIt's almost like a ...
Posted by Big Tone on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:38:00 PST