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I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm 39, blessed with a beatiful wife, 3 fine kids and an ear for the best heavy music that exists on Earth. I'm a bass rock god on the inside but have given my soul to the man. I now live in Yorktown Virginia. Band wise, I have seismically rumbled for Fat BABE (RIP), Inline Sk8ing Barbies, Fuzzbuster (Gone but not forgotten) and Mofo ( alive and definitely kicking). I am fortunate enough to have made friends with the finest people on this planet.....and all through music, Mark, Rob, Louis, Rich, Deezer/Daz Ultra/Chico Latino, Eezer Beezer the Ewok Geezer, Jeus Deus (my liege), Templeton Maurice (AKA Prince of Darkness) and ickle Tony (AKA Duka)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hunter S. Thompson, Peter O'Toole, Oliver Reed, George Best (see the pattern yet ????), The authority on what is a good thing, Tyler Durden (the real one please), Paul Raven (Killing Joke, Prong, Ministry), The inventer of a remote control for kids when you're getting it on with the missus, The Gunslinger, Fred Durst, just before he stuck his head up his arse so I could say "STOP!", Brad Wilk (RATM/Audioslave)

My Blog

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