Baran profile picture


I'm just trying to get my name out there.

About Me

Born on the mean street's of Wolseley, Saskatchewan. Tough town, you go there and someone will cut you.More to come, but what you just read is all you need to know for now.Snooch

My Interests

Hockey, volleyball, golf, origami, snowboarding, marbles, Thundercats, Light Bright, TMNT, big pimpin', nipples, working out (some of you might think that's a joke, but I'm serious about this one), drinking, people watching and the list goes on.

I'd like to meet: the bike stand under the flag pole!!


AIC, PJ, Nirvava, Soundgarden, Foo's, Rage, Tool, System, G'N'F'N'R, Sabbath, RHCP, Anti-Flag, Sublime, Pumpkins, MLB, The Smiths, Lemonheads, Morrissey, Ramones, Beatles, Led Zep, Floyd, Hip, Big Wreck, Thornley, The Cure, The Cult, Bob Dylan, Nick Drake. You know what, as long as it isn't over produced, lip synched, rapped, twangy, U2, Creed, Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit or anything else Fred Durst has done, then you can count me in.


The Big Lebowski, Clerks, Mall Rats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, The Empire Strokes Black, LOTR Trilogy, anything with Bruce Campbell, KIDS, Braveheart, Forrest Gump, I Can't Believe it's Nut Butter, Trainspotting, anything Quentin Tarantino, 40 Year Old Virgin, Old School, Fight Club. Like My fav bands, the list could go on.


Hockey Night in Canada, Sports Center, The Daily Show with John Stewart, The Colbert Report, The Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Vintage SNL, The Office (Although both are great I prefer the British), My Name is Earl, Kenny vs. Spenny, TPB, The News, Sponge Bob, Documentary Channel, Going Costal, Taxi Cab Confessions. i think that's about it.


Heavier Than Heaven, David Copperfield, Stairway to Heaven, The Warriors, Lord of the Flys, Lord of the Rings, Oliver Twist, Scar Tissue, The Dirt. I'd like to read more, and probably should. It's now on the to do list. I just have to make time to read that's all.


Dave Grohl, Jason Lee, Kevin Smith, Stephen Colbert and David Letterman. All brilliant and funny, funny men.

My Blog

The long wait is over

Here is my long awaited blog. The Triumphant return of Sir Evan Baran's thoughts and views. But here's the problem, I have a sneaking suspicion you may be dissapointed. Kind of like Dumber and Dumbere...
Posted by Baran on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:20:00 PST

Stuff to jump too

*****Writer's disclaimer: If you are a religious sort of any kind, easily offended, or just plain don't like other's opinion's then you might not want to read this. The last line will most c...
Posted by Baran on Sat, 27 May 2006 02:36:00 PST

Guess who's back, back again.

Before you click the link below, you must check out the link that I posted on a previous blog. This time Average Homeboy is "Blazin Hazen." Dave, I k...
Posted by Baran on Mon, 22 May 2006 01:25:00 PST

Don't hate the player, hate the game!?!?!?!

Okay, Flames fans you might as well hate both because well everyone saw the out come of your piss poor performance on Wednesday night against the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.Now sure lots of us Oiler fans...
Posted by Baran on Thu, 04 May 2006 01:01:00 PST

This link is a must

Now instead of posting this video right on my page, I thought I would blog about it and give you the link. Plus if I did post it right on my page, I would be a hypocirte. If you like to laugh at other...
Posted by Baran on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:14:00 PST

This might apply to you

******WRITERS DISCLAIMER: Any similarities with what you are about to read are purely coincidental. This Blog entry is purely for educational purposes. Any resemblance to real persons, livin...
Posted by Baran on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:49:00 PST

Coincidence to ponder

As of late Regina has been crowned the chlamydia capital of Canada. This makes me very proud to be living in such a wonderful city. As if Travis Smith wasn't enough, nope, we now have the highest clap...
Posted by Baran on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:53:00 PST