CURRENT MOON moon phase
You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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adopt your own virtual pet! "He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it."
What kind of beauty do you possess?
SPIRITUAL BEAUTY - You are calm, peaceful, and
content. Introverted and quiet you know
everything about yourself. You never speak
without thinking and every decision you make is
well thought out. Since you know yourself so
well you aware of your strengths and your
shortcomings, which gives you the advantage of
easily learning from your mistakes and
improving yourself quickly. You may or may not
be religious. If you are religious your faith
and convictions are solid and no one can sway
you from your beliefs.
What type of beauty do you possess?
Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the imagery we find here may inspire us or torment us. Understanding the moon requires looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in this luminary that circles the earth every month and reflects the sun in its progress. Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it is only those willing to work with the force of dreams that are able to withstand this reflective light.
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Which Magical Order Are You In?
You are a Spiritualist. Your magic flows from the primal forces of the cosmos. You could be a gentle Healer, a miraculous Prophet or a spirit-summoning War-mage with the strong link your soul provides to the realms beyond reality. You have preternatural abilities, intutively sensing the personality of people you meet and discerning events yet to happen. You enhance your aura with meditative pursuits. You are a good judge of character but your idealism or morality can confuse others.
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You come from an Ancient Civilization. Egypt, China, Rome... a piece of all the greatest civilizations of their time can be found in you.
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I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!