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SOLAZ!...[so-lás] m. recreation, revitalization, reinvigoration, funthe name says it all. A get away from the ordinary; revitalization from what is old and tried.SOLAZmeaning recreo in Spanishfrom the beginning formed to take Latin Pop Rock or what some call Rock en Español to a level worldwide that no other band has been able to accomplish in 20 plus years of the genres existence.From their historic live debut in Hollywoods Club M, to their coincidental meeting of Walter Kolm of Universal Latino just around the corner from South Beaches Señor Frogs as they aggressively promoted their live assault at the venue, to their clamored spectacle at a jam packed Brook n Baileys in Pembroke Pines, to them being asked to play at South Beaches legendary Macarena, to them being selected to headline the Pool of Westons 1st Festival of Rock en Español and being nominated the winner as the best performer out of 8 aspiring Latin rock bands, SOLAZs audience clamors saying you guys sound even better live, your debut CD is destined to be an all time classic SOLAZ considers these events to be a testament to their commitment and hard work to delivering the very best on CD and live.SOLAZs hard work has been noticed by TV producers as well; being invited to play live and interviewed on TV stations such as Channel 22, and 41 on 3 different variety shows within days of their live performances in 2005.The future is clear for SOLAZ. SOLAZ is perfectly positioned to not only raise the bar for all Spanish speaking rockers, but to crossover to the English speaking market proving to be the very first Spanish speaking rock band in history do so in a larger than life scale. Yes, this means filling up stadiums.SOLAZ promises and is committed to evolving and challenging the conventional ways of entertainment in the music world; the expectations can be summarized with one word-surprises!!A new era,SOLAZ, a new fundamental chapter in the music and entertainment world is being filmedwould you like to star in it? There is a place for everyone, yes, that means you too!