Hey....Im B. I live in the Adelaide Hills and theyre beautiful. Im not gonna tell you how complicated I am and that you will never know the person I truly am, because honestly, those who say that aren't special....its standard procedure for everyone I think
Im a half aussie/half italian psychology student and hope to become a conservation psychologist or Indigenous affairs, preferably both. I would love to get a PhD. I also work part time as a youth support worker with a 3 yr old Indigenous boy and a behaviour therapist for a young girl with autism :)Im a vegetarian with my head and my heart.
Im a short ass 5ft 1, love wearing boots and skirts and your fly by comments don't bother me...who are you to judge? I dont usually suffer for fashion, but I'll suffer for a dragons blood waist cincher corset anyday ;) I may be blonde, but Im far from stupid, nor a bimbo, so dont treat me like one! I have 2 persian cats who I am obsessed with....they are so fucking gorgeous it would make you puke.
Im pretty friendly...but I like to get fired up too, about religion, politics, the environment and all sorts....so if you want to argue (for or against me), Im down :)I also swear a lot....I know its bad, I'm trying to work on it haha. I love music, mostly metal, a lot of obscure bands but also a lot of more mainstream ones, as long as its not nu metal or power metal!
I like: The environment/nature animals, especially cats working out vegetarian/vegan cooking lunches with my girls Body Pump classes Hiking and nature walks Red wine and coffee music Tribal belly dancing Paganism and the occult:) The beach Pantheism I dislike: apathy laziness ignorance The Adelaide Crows smoking drugs people who dont give a shit about the environment bimbos sexism racism people who dont think uni is work(we're headed for a highly underskilled workforce folks!) global warming bible bashers orange fake tan!
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My Blog
Political rant is go
I am going to introduce this blog by saying I am not 'telling' who you should and should not vote for......meerely expressing my frustrations by some political parties and their tactics and I am... Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 17:09:00 GMT
Think too much?
As I get older, I have come to realise that I am being completely overrun with my own logic. Everything I think about/answer/retaliate to is being increasingly deciphered and broken down into either a... Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 19:16:00 GMT