I am sweet enough but not 2 nice. A lil craze. A lil wild. I am the kinda gurl that will make u smile ;-)I am a lover NOT a fighter. I am an independent woman. I am brutually honest, which can b a blessing n a curse @ the same time. If u want/like a challenge, haha.. Conquer this!I enjoy making new friends/everything good n life, involved n honest adventures, try 2 stay cool @ all times, affectionate, sympathetic, loyal, courageous n the face of adversity, has a soothing voice/engaging smile, I learn from knowledge/experience.'Who I Am' by Jessica Andrews: I kno exactly who I am! I am the spitting image of my father, n when the day is done my mama's still my BIGGEST fan.. Sumtimes I'm clueless n I'm clumsy, but I've got friends that luv me n they kno jus where I stand.. It's all a part of me n that's who I am! So when I make a BIG mistake or when I fall flat on my face, I kno I'll b alrite.. Should my tender heart b broken, I will cry those teardrops knowin I will b jus fine.. Bc nothing changes who I am! I'm a saint n I'm a sinner.. I'm a loser n a winner.. I'm steady n unstable.. I'm young but I am able!..