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Number ZERO

Contract Killin'

About Me

"It happens on a random monday. Coming back from an event. but late on a sunday night, right before you get on the plane and your about to be frisked for the third time. Your driving, your flying, your sitting in an airport seat next to boys from the team. Your drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake. Your explaining the fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best frind, Or running throught the sidewalks of LAX trying to catch a plane. Your coming back to the other life, the one without paintball. Where no one understands why you do it. Your tired, your working off little sleep; the question creeps up and you try to ignore it, 'Why do i do this? Why the travel, why all the losses, why the missed work, the missed school, hours of practice, and the complaining girlfriend?' Because the lure of living a paintball life is just too potent. And the product of the road, the travel, are memories forever and trips to strange lands with stranger people. At tournements it feels like for once you get to live as loud as you want. Its worth the sacrafices, it's worth all the bullsit. Because if you work hard enough a sunday will roll around and you'll be in the huddle, screaming with your hand in, one among ten, playing for the world title. And suddenly all those cliche you ever heard suddenly make sense. And you are defined. You say it to yourself and it means everything. I am a paintball player and this moment right here is my life."-Sunday drivers-

My Interests

Paintball, cars, and fighting the good fight

I'd like to meet:

Some good pb players to go one-on-one with. Semi-auto, stock class it don't matter, cuz only one thing dose, love of the game.




Oceans Eleven, 300fps, Army of DarknessDavid Blaine's new tricks are f'ing insane
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Anime, PB2Xtreme, MXC, Reno 911


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My Blog

Contract Killin'

Saturday sept.30th 2006 is the day i fulfilled my first contract. i was hired by a man named dave and an other whom i will refer to as Jesus to spend the day shooting people....of course what i mean b...
Posted by Number ZERO on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:30:00 PST

Summer of entertainment.

so i'm sitting here in the library working ony my paper, but when i check my email i see my brother has a new blog. so instead of reading it i post one of my i haven't posted on in a while....
Posted by Number ZERO on Wed, 17 May 2006 12:59:00 PST

Tag your yet

Here's the deal: Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird/things/habits about you" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things, as well as state this rule cl...
Posted by Number ZERO on Wed, 03 May 2006 10:34:00 PST

Chuck Norris?

So one day my cousin comes home from school, and was dying to tell me a joke he learned from school.  i figuered it was just going to be a stupid joke that we would tell wrong and luagh so hard w...
Posted by Number ZERO on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:53:00 PST

The Thanksgiving thing

Ah, and another thanksgiving has passed, or what i'd like to call it, the"in your face Vegitarians celebration feast." this year we tried something new. instead of the traditionally oven cooked turkey...
Posted by Number ZERO on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 12:00:00 PST

Another PB Gun

So if your reading this i'm sure you've already notice my new pic. yes that is my gun and yes it is new. i got it from tradeing my 2k5 timmy, yeah the gun that i got only a couple weeks ago and only p...
Posted by Number ZERO on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 08:28:00 PST

Ever have one of those moments...

Ever have one of those moments where you just aren't happy with what you've got? of course you are, and if you say otherwise your a fucking lier. as some of you may know, not to long ago i bought a 2k...
Posted by Number ZERO on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 11:50:00 PST

"Check this out"

So lately i've been getting those damn chain letters, you know the ones that say "you'll die in  X-amount of days if you don't past/post this in Y-amount of minutes or to Z-amount of people." so ...
Posted by Number ZERO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tourney Pics

" '03 Lasoya, '04 Dye Matrix (DM3), '04 Warped Sportz Speed Demon" "Being Bunkered sucks...hey look it's teh big dipper" "Chris in the Stubby Temple" "Gun Fighting with Lenny, Dueling Matri...
Posted by Number ZERO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tourney Results

i just got home from the tourney thing. damn nothing feels better then a shower after coming home from a day of paintball. well the tourney was fun, we lost our very first game we played and where co...
Posted by Number ZERO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST