Allegra profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

There's nothing to say about me except I'm an idiot and I try to keep to myself as much as possible but often end up sabotaging my own efforts. I'm currently a sort of Field Organizer with the Barack Obama campaign and do things very far outside of my introvert comfort zone, but things that I feel might help to change the country and the world all the same. I can't begin to tell people how WORTH IT it is to be a part of this. I only have a page here to keep up with the news of my friends because I suck at keeping in touch with the people I love.

My Interests

Cats, books, Obama, books, politics, books, books, bookstores, books, libraries, books, Seattle, traveling, animal rights, womens rights, philosophy, ethics, glbt rights, science fiction, poetry, Post-Impressionist art, old movies, unschooling, webcomics, muppets, etymology, meditation, mythology, Broadway, computers, more books.... and on and on and on.

South Dakota Abortion Ban

I'd like to meet:

Barack Obama, one more time! With the hope that maybe the third time I could be a little more coherent and articulate. Not holding out much hope for the latter, really.Aside from him, I'm happy enough to have the pleasure of having met the friends I have now. However I like to meet nice, compassionate, good people in general but they seem to be hard to find. Secondary qualities that I also like to find in people are sanity, intelligence, a sense of humor, and literacy.


I prefer new wave, alternative and indie rock over anything else but I'll listen to just about anything BUT country, Christian, or modern jazz. Specifically I would not care to keep my hearing if it meant being without my U2 or Radiohead CDs.


I love old movies, Miyazaki films, Wim Wenders films, Monty Python films, Amelie, Serenity, RENT!, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Labyrinth, Guys and Dolls, His Girl Friday, The Dark Crystal, Pretty In Pink (in spite of the STUPID ending. CLEARLY Andie and Duckie belong together.), To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar, and just... movies that make me think or feel something (other than horror and disgust that is).


I don't have time to watch television lately but when I did... Turner Classic Movies (am a complete *addict* and would dearly love to have chat with Robert Osborne), Firefly, Buffy, old BBC comedies, PBS (particularly Mystery!), Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Muppet Show, Mythbusters.


I couldn't possibly begin to list my favorite books. I'll read just about anything that captures my interest: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Philosophy, Physics and Mythology being my favorite subjects. I'm a book addict.


Ana, Barack Obama, Anousheh Ansari, Jim Henson, Harvey Fierstein, genuinely good people everywhere.

My Blog

Barack-ing the Vote (all the way to SoDak)

So yes, of *course* I'm upset and angry and frustrated and BITTER over the results from yesterday (even though Clinton only won by 9.3 points and only picked up 10 delegates), I'm disappointed and emb...
Posted by Allegra on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:11:00 PST

Things That Have Happened In the Last Three Days

So I'm running around on very little sleep for a while now until the 24th, but I had to write down this week for posterity's sake.On Thursday (night) my phone was stolen.On Friday (early morning) I ha...
Posted by Allegra on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST