KaRa Ann! Well hunny bunchoes of O'S you are the creme of my CroP hehe that sounds pretty gross but you have been my main squeeze since the age of 6 and i dont know what i would do without you! i love everythin about your from your grumpy mornings to our late night parties i love you girl and always will thank you soo much!
ALExAndRA MarIE...woowZerZ girl! you are fucking AMaZinG! You are my best friend and the love of my life! I know me and you have broken apart a lot since you have moved but don't you ever have a doubt n your mind about me not being there to talk to. I know you say it's weird for you to talk to me know but give it a try it will feel like old times instantly. I really miss how things used to be al but i guess things happen for a reason?! But anytime you wanna hang out after June fifth ill be free for you! I love you girl n i'll always be your doctor Phil!
ZachaRy TyleR! You help me thru sOO fuckin much without you ever realiZing it. Your one of the best guys i have EVER met and your me BEST FRIEND, you know how to make me smile but you know when to be seriOuS. I've became really close to you in the past yr and a half I don't know what I would do without You! I love you with all my heart and i will always have love for you..and dont you forget it. You are an amaZing person and the best boyfriend i have ever had
Erika Danelle n Anthony Robert! Girl your AmaZing...you help me with soo much shiit! Your always there to listen to me and take me wherever I need to go! Well you know im here for you and I love You with All my heart! Your child is amazing and the cutest thing ever i love you both to death and would kill for you two!
JamII NicOle! Your beautiful inside n out! You are one of my best friends and one of the CRaZIEST dude there's never a time when we are not laughing together! I love you with all my heart and me and you are some tight aunts..if you know what i mean lol!
· .·..")) *ºId gIvE mY LiFe*º
((¸¸.·....·.. "))*º-FoR u in a MiNuTe-º**
-:|:- ((¸¸.·..*-°B/c i cAnT PiCtUrE°-*
(¨..·.·..¨) (¨..·.·..¨)»|«mY LiFe»|«
..·.¸(¨..·.·..¨)¸.·.. -WiTOuT u iN iT-
b0w w0w
MySpace Codes
My Heros Would Have To Be...
1)My Mom
2)My Sister
3)My Close Friends