Mrs. Schiefer!!! profile picture

Mrs. Schiefer!!!

for every winner there are a dozen losers... chances are you're one of them

About Me

I was born in New Jersey but raised in Michigan... had to get out of there so I'm in the military. 2 brothers 1 sister but thats all boring stuff. i love kangaroos brand shoes and can thank Brittany (Trujillo) Maxwell for that obsession. i love being outside and cant stand being inactive. apparently i LOVE cookies... hahaha. but i guess not everyone will understand that comment... oh well ya'll can deal.
You Are Root Beer
Ultra sweet and innocent, you have a subtle complexity behind your sugary front.
Children love you, but so do high end snobs... when you're brewed right.

Your best soda compatibility match: Dr. Pepper

Stay away from: Diet Coke What Kind of Soda Are You?~ Stars are like freckles for the sky ~ 10,000 Layouts @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

football and hockey... and the winter olympics... and dancing. I almost forgot that one. And in highschool I was a cheerleader but does that still count? I do miss it... it was a lot of fun. Being outside is fun especially at the beach. I love the water... So I guess that means pretty much anything outside or anything that has to do with sports... playing soccer at midnight in a flooded soccer field is SO much fun! i love going camping or hiking. i guess just being outdoors altogether. i hate being inside... it feels so claustrophobic. I love stars... like the kind in the sky... i can totally spend HOURS looking at them

I'd like to meet:

Marshall Faulk... Bode Miller... Adam Sandler... that French soccer player Zidane... didnt really care much for the French team but he could do some awesome footwork... I still cant figure out how someone could dance around a ball like that and not fall flat on their face... John Heder... he is my newest and most absolute favoritest actors ever!
You Should Learn Chinese
Surprised? You shouldn't be - Chinese is perfect for an ambitious person like you.
You're a natural entrepreneur, and a billion people are waiting to do business with you! What Language Should You Learn? All I have to say is "hahaha"
Your Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled With Coal
You haven't been *that* naughty this year
Santa is just screwing with you What Will Be In Your Christmas Stocking? WTF MATE!?!?!?!


I love it all... but favorites are Casting Crowns, Superchick, By the Tree, Kenny Chesney, Natasha Bedingfield, All American Rejects, Carrie Underwood, Staind, Shakira, Nickleback, and Reliant K now thanks to my little sister Jessi... never thought I'd put a rapper up here but KJ-52 definitely made the list since hearing him at a concert.


Bambi... Benchwarmers is definitely my all time favorite... i think ive seen that movie more times in one month than any other movie ive watched in my life, next to bambi of course... any horror movie... everything with Adam Sandler, he's the greatest actor ever... pretty much anything but chick flicks... they all end the same. Except Miss Congeniality I like that one... taladega nights was awesome... I'll leave the chick flicks comment up but i think im might have to take it back... i think the movie Roxeanne is considered a chick flick and it was good... same with 50 first dates and the wedding singer.


yuck... actually I used to watch American Idol, Fear Factor, and Everybody Loves Raymond but now I dont really have time for tv... in the free time I have I'd rather be outside... tv seems like a waste of time


Psychology books. I love psychology books... and anything written on a controversial topic... maybe because I like to argue so much. I just finished The Fisherman. An amazing Christian novel. It's a novel written from what Peter's view point might have been living and being a disciple to Jesus. Excellent book if you're looking for something to read. It's VERY captivating. Favorites are The Giver, 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, and Number the Stars, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby.


My grandpa as cliche as it sounds. He was one of the strongest people I know and will ever know. And i was his princess... on a less serious note spiderman is the greatest and all of you people who might disagree are just in denial

My Blog

Relay for Life =191381&supId=168454612I'm participating in this year's Relay for Life in Central O'ahu. For anyone who may not have heard of that, its ...
Posted by Debi Sue on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 04:32:00 PST


so i read this from another friends bulletin... i just spent the day with my aunt, uncle and cousins. my cousins have two beautiful young boys so my first thought was "well crap... what if that were t...
Posted by Debi Sue on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 03:14:00 PST

the post office mails heaven...

This is a good story . . Our dog Abbey died Aug. 23, and the day after Abbey died, my 4 year old, Meredith, was SO upset. She wanted to write a letter to God so that God would recognize Abbey in heave...
Posted by Debi Sue on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 09:33:00 PST

chocolate sings...

my mommy sent me this... its cuteOne day I had a date for lunch with friends. Mae, a little old "blue hair" about 80 years old, came along with them---All in all, a pleasant bunch. When the menus were...
Posted by Debi Sue on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:40:00 PST

my vehicular unit...

i got a car! hahahahaha! i love it. its an 88 white corolla wagon in almost perfect condition. its so ghetto but it runs really well. and its better than yours. HA! i love it. pictures will be posted ...
Posted by Debi Sue on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:35:00 PST

when life gives you lemons...

when life gives you lemons youre supposed to make lemonade right? so what happens when you don't have any sugar?...
Posted by Debi Sue on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 04:32:00 PST

hospital trip .2

so this time i wasnt sick. i had to bring my id in to prove im me. so anyway. this hospital is like crazy huge right? im talking ginormous squared. so we walk in on the first floor and head upstairs t...
Posted by Debi Sue on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 02:36:00 PST

a few good memories

so most of us whove been in for 2 years are past the whole bmt thing and talking about it but we had a conversation today that reminded me of a fun time in bmt. yes i did say fun time. so my flight wa...
Posted by Debi Sue on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:02:00 PST

bordom (sp?)

so im in paradise so youd think id be having fun right but genius here cant figure out how to stay healthy so im stuck chillin around doin nothing. sounds fun right... not when your in paradise... and...
Posted by Debi Sue on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:47:00 PST