SuomiNeito profile picture


Europe Here I Come! Be Back 6/9. It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what y

About Me

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow~~~~I am a little bit of this and a little bit of that~~~~ a well balanced freak show~~~~ a nutmagnet~~~~ too curious for my own good~~~~ perfectionist~~~~ have the strangest sense of humor~~~~ did I mention a nutmagnet?~~~~ they call me a neat freak~~~ more of that freak show~~~~ a sarcastic bitch~~~~ a people watcher~~~~ a little bit of a flirt~~~~a girl trapped in an old woman's body :)~~~~ cute little Finn~~~~ a tease~~~~ and let's mention nutmagnet again~~~~ small & feisty~~~~ a smartass~~~~ the queen of random questions~~~~ how do obsessive people find me?~~~~ an uncurable romatic~~~~ a proud sufferer of OCD (hint: go google)~~~~ might drool over male butts in tight jeans~~~~ an occasional airhead~~~~ do I have a "nut odor?"~~~~ wild and sassy~~~~ a very impressionable young lady~~~~ AND I LOVE TO SMILE~~~~ maybe I just answered my own question?~~~~ Please feel free to waste any time reading my blogs, I can be such a joy sometimes....:)
Here is a tribute to good old times and better old friends! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Rollercoasters! Life. The Northern Lights. People. Joulupukki. Music. Snow angels. Books. Snowy Winter. Movies. Sound of Silence. Tattoos. Scented Candles. Bailey's Irish Cream. Dogs. Nutrition. Dancing Bare Footed in the Rain. Finland. Cultures. Funny Socks. Ruska. Body Shots :), Aaah Avocados, Slippers. Color green. Sauna. Scents of the World. Salmiakki. Listening to the Rain on a Tin Roof. Stripes. Dreaming of the Possible Impossible.... And Wondering If It Really Exists.... P.S. Very bothered by the fact that the above is not in alphabetical order! Currently actively disliking Jessica Simpson, the elevator definitely does not get even close to the top floor!
MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: A...
Birthdate: 7-11
Birthplace: Kolari, Finland
Current Location: Lost in Translation, Virginia
Eye Color: You Tell Me!
Hair Color: Some sort of blond
Height: Just purrfect.......
Weight: Who cares?
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Ethnicity: White (but I was told I was not WHITE WHITE...)
Body Type: It's just fine
Favorite Food: PASTA
Favorite Drink: Water
Baseball Team: naaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
(when) Bedtime: When I get sleepy
Favorite Color(s): Red!
Favorite Letter: O
Favorite Number: 3
Candy: Salmiakki!!!!
Favorite Animal: My two baby dogs!
Favorite Messenger: Face to face person
Screename: Cateyez
Favorite Store: Lowe's.....
Most Missed Memory: Quiet days at the summer cabin in Finland
Best Physical Feature: Depends On Who The Judge Is
Overused Phrase: lol
First Thought Waking Up: Nothing intellectual here ~ Let me just strech for a long time...
Goal for this year: To stop dreaming
Weakness: Dreaming
Fears: Spiders, yuk!
Heritage: 100% Finn

Favorite TV Show: Lost
Have You Ever....
Drank: Is that a joke?
Smoked: I am a quitter!
Dyed Your Hair: Been there done that and done with it!
Shoplifted: When I was five...
Tried To Do The Splits: Yes, ex gymnastic
Tried To Do A Backbend: Yes
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: Of course
Tried To Do A Handstand: Still...
Tried To Act Perfect: Never
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: Innocent until proven guilty and still in trouble :)
Skinny Dipped: Of course!!!
Had Sex: 40 year old virgin
Kissed An Opposite Sex: Yes
Kissed The Same Sex As You: Yes
Been Dumped: Buu hooooooooo
Done Drugs: No
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes
Ate Sushi: Yes
Loved Someone: Love is a wonderful thing~

How Do You Want To Die?: In silence
What country do you want to Visit: Australia and New Zealand
Been to the Mall Lately: Nope
Do you like Thunderstorms: In a good company
Shower Daily: What is that?
Do you Sing: In the shower...
Want to go to College: It doesn't hurt~

Clothes: Jeans and a shirt
Shoes: Slippers
Make-Up: None
Hair Do: Up and messy
Phone: Got one!
Phone Number: You wish.
Location: Lost in translation
Weather: Gorgeous; sunny and 64 degrees
Website(s): Love my boyfriend Google

Are your parents married or divorced?: Divorced
Are you a vegetarian?: No, come to mama Rudolph!
Do you believe in Heaven?: No
Have you ever come close to dying?: No
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: None
Are you eating?: No
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: Yes
Do you wear makeup?: Sometimes
Would you ever have plastic surgery?: I don't think so
What do you wear to bed?: Nothing
Have you ever done anything illegal?: Yes
Can you roll your tounge?: Yes, I can roll my tongue...

Do you believe in Abortions?: Yes but not as a method of birth control

Do you smoke?: No, well occasional drunken drag...

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No........
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: Buy a plane ticket
Gold or silver?: Platinum
Hamburger or hot dog?: Hamburger
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: Cheerios
City, beach or country?: Lake
What was the last thing you touched?: The keyboard
Where did you eat last?: In the kitchen
When's the last time you cried?: Three weeks ago RIP boy
Do you read blogs?: Yes
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: Yes
Ever been involved with the police?: Yes...
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?: That is yet to be discovered
Do you talk in your sleep?: I don't think I do but thinking has nothing to do with it
Ocean or pool?: Both
What's your favorite song at the moment: Unchained Melody
have you ever had a cavity?: Yes
Window seat or aisle seats?: Window
Ever met anyone famous?: Yes
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?: Pretty much so
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Cut and twirl
What is your fav. sport to play?: Volleyball
Basketball or football?: Of those two? Football
when was the last time you went to the bathroom?: That is very personal
Do you drive a stick?: Yes, I drive a stick
Cake or ice cream?: Ice cream
Are you self-conscious?: Not really
Do you like any of your close friends?: They wouldn't be close if I didn't
Have you ever given money to a bum?: No and not going to
Have you been in love?: Yes
Where do you wish you were?: Anywhere but here :)
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there?: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?: Yes
Can you tango?: Yes
Last gift you received?: A scarf from my neighbor
What occasion did you recieve your gift?: A thank you
Last thing you spent lots of money on?: My pink Victoria's Secret jacket
Where do you live?: At home (stupid question)
Last wedding attended.: Friend
Favorite restaurant?: Otani......
What is your favorite kind of car?: My SUV
Most hated food(s): Ocra
Most loved food(s)?: Pasta, Pizza anything creamy and delicious
Can you sing?: Everybody can sing. The question is: do I do it well?
Person on your mind?: Empty head
What's your least fav. chores?: Picking up dog shit
Favorite drink?: Water

How long was your longest drive in a car?: Very long
Why do you do Myspace surveys?: Boredom
Do you know who Nick Tyo is?: Nope

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has something to say~ I am not here to collect a large number of people to be on my friends list and that is the reason it is -and will remain hidden. I will most likely give you the benefit of the doubt and add you if requested but if I never hear from you, expext to be eventually deleted. I have no interest whatsoever to be looking at a face or an icon that I know nothing about. Also I am NOT here to promote your modeling, singing, acting or any other type of career. And lets forget about the asking for my IM, it simply is just not happening... Why on earth do some people think that I will start chatting with someone who sends me a message asking for my IM. I don't know you, you don't know me and that means that I DO NOT want to chat with you! What happened to good old foreplay? So with that being said and hopefully all digested, now you can click the add me button if you still so desire.


~ Aerosmith, Andrea Bocelli, the Beatles, Beverly Craven, Bon Jovi, Chopin, Collective Soul, the Cream, 3 Doors Down, Eagles, Elton John, Elvis, Enya, Eput, Eric Clapton, Evanescence, Guns'n Roses, Jethro Tull, Jewel, Kenny G, Kolmas Nainen, Led Zeppelin, Mariah Carey, Metallica, Nickelback, Pink Floyd, Queen, Reo Speedwagon, the Righteous Brothers, Sade, Santana, Selena, Jean Sibelius, Staind, U2, Vivaldi... And the list goes on~


Just a few to mention, it would be easier to list the ones that I absolutely hated but here are some that I did like: 11:14, Apollo 13, a Beautiful Mind, the Bone Collector, Braveheart, Catch Me If You Can, Crash, Cruel Intentions, Dead Poets Society, Deer Hunter, Derailed, Dirty Dancing and most of the Disney movies although they do make me cry. Forrest Gump, the Gladiator, Good Will Hunting, Gone with the Wind, the Green Mile, Hard Candy, i am Sam, Inside Man, Ivanhoe, the Last Samurai, Lethal Weapon(s), the Lord of the Rings, Man in Fire, the Man in the Iron Mask, Maverick, Million Dollar Baby, Miss Congeniality, Monster, Notebook, Oceans Eleven & Twelve, the Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean (both), Remember the Titans, Road House, Saw, Scary Movie(s), Scream(s), the Silence of the Lambs, the Sixth Sense, Super Size Me, Taking Lives, all the older Three Musketeers, Titanic, Top Gun, UUNO TURHAPURO, Wild Things.Especially interested in the psychological thrillers and the movies that could actually happen. Keeps me on the edge.


24, the Band of Brothers, the Class, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Jag, Jericho, Lace (Which One of You Bitches Is My Mother?), Lost, Pretender, Survivor (and some of the other reality shows that might be "for pitiful people with no life" but I enjoy watching what ticks people off)and the Unit. And of course the Animal Planet, Discover Channel, Food Network, HGTV and the Travel Channel.


I definitely prefer easy reading. Sidney Sheldon is probably one of my most favorite authors, just can't put his books down once I start reading. I also have a deep appreciation for my roots and the great literature of some Finnish authors like Aleksis Kivi, Mauri Kunnas, Kalle Paatalo and Mika Waltari to name a few. I love poetry. Unfortunately, I don't have quite as much time as I would love to have to read but I am always open for recommendations. Currently working on the Divine Comedy.


My Blog

Me and My Tramp Stamp! (My Tramp Stamp and I)

In Honor of My First Tattoo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ode to pain.... Like a dull razor blade slicing through my skin. I want to scream: "Please S...
Posted by SuomiNeito on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:52:00 PST

Yes, I Eat Rudolph, I am from Lapland....

  An Article That I Came Across This Morning ~~~~~         & nbsp;         & nbsp; ...
Posted by SuomiNeito on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 04:09:00 PST

Penis Talk ~ rated R

Came across another article that I found hilarious.... Here we go: Oh sleepies! What do you call the crusts of dried mucus that you sometimes have to rub or wash out of the corners of your eyes when...
Posted by SuomiNeito on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:58:00 PST

You Know You Have Been In Finland Too Long, When...

  Oops, note to anyone who might read this blog: I did not write it myself, I came across it and since it was so funny, I thought I should share it here on myspace. So thank you for all of you, w...
Posted by SuomiNeito on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 07:49:00 PST