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Identity's whole concept is based on representing yourself,being independent, and viewing life from a different perspective so with this clothing line, you can show everyone who you are, you basically create your own "identity" by combining colors and designs with clothing styles to your choice and we'll put it together for you.
"CRYSTAL ♥s IKAIKA" I ALREADY MET MAI SEXY LOCAL BOI! Get Reggae .. Status IconsIf u would like 2 order any Ainoshea merchandise or Identity Clothing, email me @ [email protected] or IM me at yahoo as "Kai," with ur contact # name and address. Go to these websites to look up more on the Ainoshea clothing and identity clothing or U also can email @ [email protected] and they'll email back a catalog with all different designs in it.
=WAIANAE BOIZ= They dont fight,they FAWKIN BANG,they dont have sex, THEY FAWKIN BEAT DA PUSSY UP, They don't talk, THEY FAWKIN SHOW ACKSHUN, They no sked, THEY MAKE U SKED, THEY get da bloodline, YOU GUYZ AINT GOT SHIT, they no just run da westside, THEY RUN ALL OF YOU, WAIANAE is ALSO KNOWN AS BANGAZVILLE, wat you guys known as, oh yah forgot, YOU AINT EVEN FAWKIN KNOWN! THEY don't just do it, THEY DO IT BEST, SO BOW DOWN BITCHEZ CUZ WAIANAE IS CROWNED! !