BarCol Productions profile picture

BarCol Productions


About Me

"You're about to witness a dynasty like no other!" The Ultimate Online Resource for UK students!!
Carhartt Clothing, Independant Music Chart, L.A.M.B Clothing, BAPE, Win Kanye West Concert Tickets and much, much more!!!

My Interests

In no particular order, straight off the dome......

Partying (without the bull s**t)
Good music (the 'Louis Vuiton Don' should commission us for that!)
Good women
Setting trends

Challenges (it is only through adversity that true champions are born)
being real! (snakes belong on their bellies)

I'd like to meet:

Artists and musicians alike who are serious about their craft and are focused on establishing significance within their careers.


Watch this space...coming soon...a truly invigorating début release from two of the UK's finest exponents in hip-hop ...

Visit for the best online student exclusives, covering the freshest fashions and an independant music chart!!!


The classics...

The Godfather trilogy
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
House of Flying Daggers
Passion of the Christ

Straight bangers...

Bad Boys II
Coming to America (Too funny!! "his mama called him Clay, I'mma call him Clay.")

Trading Places name a few!


Magazines and Newspapers...

Scratch magazine...
VIBE mag...
Marketing trade press...
The FT...
'Find it!' ...


Parents are heroes to us, massive sacrifices from day one until forever...much respect to mums and dads out there...

Our teachers who passed on their knowledge onto us, much respect to you too...

GC: "God almighty the creator, may he bless us all with his love and forgiveness"