Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] profile picture

Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)]

~*~Forgiveness, its such a simple word but its so hard to do when you've been hurt!!~*~

About Me

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I'm a slut because I'll wear shorts & a tanktop,
I'm a b**** because I don't let you push me around
I'm a liar because I won't tell you everything
I'm stupid because sometimes I'm wrong
I'm ugly because my face isn't perfect
I'm a whore because I like boys
I'm annoying because I'm not chill enough
I'm a loser because I'm not friends with your group
I use people because I do what's best for me
I'm fake because most of the time I'm happy
I'm weird because I'm not like you
I'm controlling because I get mad sometimes
I'm clingy because I like to be around people
I'm greedy because I like to be satisfied
I'm conceited because I'm proud of who I am
I'm rude because my manners aren't perfect
I'm unappreciative because I don't praise you
Don't try to tell me who I am because I already know.
{♥}Well basically I'm .{♥} if you don't know me your life will be a lot better if you did. haha j/k but seriously though.
{♥}I love meeting new people...and making new friends...cuz everyone loves me...'cuz this smile don't EVER go away!!
{♥}Now taken by the greatest guy ever! He is literally the best thing that has happened since sliced bread...haha j/k but seriously though he is everything I have prayed for AND more. I don’t have to dream anymore because my dream has already come true. I don’t know what it is, I just feel different around him. As a matter of fact, I have fallen...head over heels in love with him. That’s right, Malia is actually in love, I know never thought I would fall in love so quick either but what can I say, he is just amazing. Now I'm proud to shout on the rooftops that Malia Eckart is in love with Josh Travers. Josh is now one of my best friends...I tell that boy everything!! Gosh let me tell you, ive told him more things then my closest friends don’t even know about me. But you know what I wouldn’t have it any other way either or be taken by any other guy. Josh, you are amazing, and I hope you can put up with me. I know I do alot of things that annoy the heck out of you but I hope you look past it and stick around for awhile. You have made my life ALOT happier. And God has really blessed my broken road when he brought you into my life. Thanks for everything in this short period of time. And thanks for an awesome 9 months.I pray many more follow!!!:D{♥}
{♥}I miss my "little sister" Kirra. I guess they are right when they say that only the good die young. Love you girlee
{♥}I was adopted when I was 8 and it was the best day of my life. Next to my baptism. I got baptized on 7/7/07.
{♥}If you ask me how many siblings I have be prepared to be amazed because I have 15 to be exact. My mom had 5 from her previous marriage and my daddy had 6 from his and then I have 4 biological siblings....Talk about a biggg family. The Brady bunch, cosby show, and partridge family has nothing on my family
{♥}and when I say parents I mean the people that adopted me and raised me as their own, the only set of parents I have or at least the ones that count.
{♥}I have the greatest friends ever....the ones that mean the most to me are Katie, Emily R., Aaron R, Dani, Anthony, and of course Josh. =)
{♥}I have 51 nieces and nephews and 33 great nieces and nephews. I know its nuts but hey I gained a lot of siblings when I got adopted. haha
{♥}the worst days of my life was when my nephew died in July 2003 when he was 4 years old. R.I.P. Steven. Aunt Malia loves and misses you. Also when my sister died when I was in 6th grade that sucked too. I love my sister sooo much and miss her a lot
{♥}I’m a Midwest girl. Born and raised in Illinois.
{♥}I don’t ask for much more than I deserve. But one thing I must always ask you: please stay loyal, and don’t break my trust. I don’t trust easily at all. It takes more than alot to earn my trust. And once you break it...chances of getting it back are slim.
{♥}I’m really loud. I can't whisper because of it. I like to make myself be heard and understood.
{♥}I’m an extra over-forgiving person. I cannot hold a grudge for my life. That’s most likely why I get screwed over so much. But it's just something I can't help.
{♥}I have three awesome sisters too. Crystal, Thresia, and Heather. They are great.
{♥}I also have a brother that lives in Florida. I’m proud that he is getting his life together. He ended up marrying my best friend i was friends with all thru elementary school and high school
{♥}Im a true daddy's girl through and through. someone messes with me they have to deal with my daddy. and i wouldnt have it any other way
{♥}My mom is my best friend and role model. i hope im at least half the mom she didnt have to be
{♥}I am a christian and proud of it. I love God with all my heart. And i try to live by him and the bible. i try my darndest. but I'm not perfect and neither are you
{♥}My church is Countryside Christian. I also on occasion go to Chesepeake Church of Christ. thats like my 2nd church i guess you could say.
{♥}I’m an aunt to 11 biologically..counting Laylah and Jackariana. they are my baby girl
{♥}I enjoy it when it rains....In fact one of my fantasies came true. I got that passionate kiss in the rain, on December 15, 2007...not once but three times the charm, by my love:) I loved it! I also want to be kissed under fireworks...I know stupid but hey dream big. :D
{♥}I’m a procrastinator....but don’t worry I’m working on that, just haven’t gotten around to it. :D
{♥}dont care what you call me, as long as you make an effort to call.
{♥}got a pretty long, complicated story for only 20 years
{♥}fun is what i'm after, but i always seem to find trouble.
{♥}i'm up for anything you got in mind.
{♥}i tend to sweat the small things & brush off the important.
{♥}i'm pleasent with almost everyone i cross paths with.
{♥}once i hold on, it's hell to let go.
{♥}i love getting all made up, but i love gettin dirty just as much (;
{♥}monophobia -the fear of being alone. got that prob.
{♥}get to know me before you judge and even then only God can judge me
{♥}the way i was born into this world and was raised up greatly affected my outlook on life
{♥}The first 7 years of my life was pure hell
{♥}the way my biological mother and father did me made me make a pact to myself to never let my kids go through that. Im going to be a great mother WHEN the time is right
{♥}dont talk about me unless you have something nice to say because karma sucks
{♥}I am gullibe at times.
{♥}I can be somewhat of a dumb-blonde.
{♥}I get frustrated easily.
{♥}I think about things way too much.
{♥}I get jealous (who doesnt).
{♥}I am usually an outgoing person. But i have my off days.
{♥}I can be selfish.
{♥}Im aware that i am not ugly.
{♥}But i know im not absolutely gorgeous either.
{♥}I sometimes forgive but never forget.
{♥}I’m nothing without God.
Father, God bless all my friends and family in whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day! And may their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you. Amen.
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My Interests

{♥}Emily R
{♥}talking to my family
{♥}monkeys and dolphins
{♥}hanging at JTs house. haha
{♥}Josh =)=)
{♥}hanging at Emily and Aarons
{♥}ultimate frisbee
{♥}any sports i should say
{♥}and church.
{♥} Hyphen
{♥}and more church. cant get enough of church

I'd like to meet:

JESUS!!!! i can not wait to meet the one that died for ME!!!! I also cant wait to meet my future kids!!!!!and the love of my life. *believe it or not, i want to meet my biological mother one of these days. even though she has hurt me beyond measure and its really hard to forgive her for the hurt she has caused me i want to meet the person that all she wanted was to really be a good mother and she was just as scared of "him" as we were. so one day soon hopefully i can meet her

*God determines who walks into your life.... it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go

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country, rock, christian, and most importantly... my boyfriend's band...HYPHEN!!! OMGosh i love Hyphen!!!


{♥}Daddy's Little Girls
{♥}Passions of the Christ
{♥}A Walk to Remember
{♥}Sweet Home Alabama
{♥}Mean Girls
{♥}Spiderman movies
{♥} The Notebook
{♥}August Rush


{♥}my wife and kids
{♥}Family Guy
{♥}reality shows
{♥}and alot of others


the bible...the book that tells you about Jesus' life and how we came to be. i try to read that everyday and im succeeding!!!!


{♥}My mom without a doubt is my #1 hero next to god. She's the best. She tries to guide me through life the best way she can. And I hate myself for not listening to her. You hear that !!!!! When ur mother tells you something DO IT!!! She doesn't say things for her health, only yours. I realized that everything she has told me and said was going to happen DOES. So from now on mom, I take your advice. Everytime!! She has always been there for me since the day i got adopted. I love her to death. And I hope i become the type of mom she is to me. She always did stuff for other people before she worried about herself. LOVE YOU MOM!!!!
{♥}My dad is my whole life. He is a living example that prayers do get answered. My daddy had been through so much stuff since he adopted me and my sister. from his stroke, to his health, to his leg getting amputated, to all that and the doctors saying that he didnt have long to live and 11 years later I still have him. He has overcome so many health problems and disability problems, I thank God for him everyday. Even while he is going through all these problems, he still manages to be a GREAT father to me. he is the greatest dad ever. And as much as he says he is not going to like any of the guys I bring home I know all he wants is a great guy for me to take care of me and love me as much as he does....and I hope I can and will make him proud with the guy I eventually will marry in the mom and daddy are truly my best friends along with my sister. Im daddys little girl and will always be his little girl. I LOVE YOU DADDY!!
{♥}my sister and I have always in a weird sort of way been close. Me and her have been through EVERYTHING together, from foster homes to foster homes to people turning their backs on us to being blessed with the same family. even though i tell people that they can have her, I would NOT trade my sister for the world. yea granted i wanted to many times when i was a kid but hey who didnt. but I can tell my sister anything and know that the secret is safe with her. I love my baby sister to death and Im proud of her for the things she has accomplished in her life so far. Heather, keep your head on straight and know that i am ALWAYS here for you. LOVE YOU SIS!!!!
{♥}Josh is just so amazing. He has shown me that not all guys are the same and not all guys are worthless jerks. He always tells me to look at the positive side of things and not always the negative because apparently im a pessimist or however you spell it. haha anyways, he has made my life much happier since he became a part of it and has a big influence on my life and how i do things. He also has the patience to deal with me and my attitude toward certain things...and I know how I can get sometimes and I can get annoying at times but yet he is stillsticking around and loving me more and more as each day passes. He amazes me everyday about something. He is my first love and hopefully my forever love. I hope he's the one.MWAH!!!♥♥♥
{♥}and last but not least....GOD,JESUS CHRIST himself is my hero. He suffered a death no one should have to suffer all just to save his people!!! His followers kissed his feet and then put him on a cross to die. He was born of a virgin who fell into society embarassment. He went against the foulish to preach the gospel. he has been there longer for me then any of my best friends combined. He helped me out of alot of stuff in my life and i cant wait to meet him.

My Blog

Update on my Life=)

OK so here is the update on my life......First and foremost, Im still happily in love with Josh. We have been dating for 8 months and I could not ask for anyone better. He is my rock. He is my whole w...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:29:00 PST

Joshua David Travers

Joshua David Travers, My Boyfriend, My Boo, My Baby, My Better Half  I Honestly Don’t Know Where I’d be without you since August 25, 2007 when we met, you always called checked ...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:18:00 PST

I miss my baby girl!! When is it going to get better?

Its just getting tougher and tougher as each day passes. I thought it was supposed to get better after the funeral but so far it has just gotten worse and worse. Im use to  her running into my wo...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:08:00 PST

Valentines Day 2008

Valentines Day was awesome this year! i loved it. well it didnt start off really good but it ended well. I started off having to get up at 6 am to be at work by 7am and work til 3 which wouldnt really...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:52:00 PST

New Years Resolution

So...I have a couple New Years Resolutions i would like to share with you guys. I have never been able to make good on my resolutions so this time Im going to try to actually resolute my resolutions, ...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 03:57:00 PST

But still he Walked

He could hear the crowds screaming "crucify" "crucify"...He could hear the hatred in their voices,These were his chosen people.He loved them,And they were going to crucify him.He was beaten, bleeding ...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 09:44:00 PST

The Fellowship of the Unashamed

The Fellowship of the Unashamed I am a part of the Fellowship of the Unashamed. I have Holy spirit power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a discip...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 11:04:00 PST

It aint fair he died too young!!!!

So today is July 19, 2007 and to some people its just another day but to me and my family its the worst day ever!!! 4 years ago today we got the call that my little nephew was officially pronounced de...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:35:00 PST

My Life: Part 3

This is continued from part two: alot has changed since i wrote the last one. I started to go to First Baptist Church and talk about friends. they are the greatest friends anyone can ever ask for. I d...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:58:00 PST

My Life: Part Two

this is continued from part two: since i wrote the last one alot has happened. First of all, i got to go home for christmas. and i already miss decatur and i just got back. it was great to see my fami...
Posted by Malia[is ready for SUMMER 2008!!! =)] on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:28:00 PST