well i love all my buddies we hav classical fun times, i am a bimbo at times i talk shit wen im drunk i always embarass myself bt it provides the nights entertainment, obviously best of all gettin drunk 247, ppl makin me shot sambuca wen they no wat it dus 2 me eg sammy! always endin up wiv a different injury every time i go out. magaluf 2005 rocked, Magaluf 2006 was scoohin brill loves it, i hav a shoe obsession which is amazin also i make best punch ever n always gets every1 hammered, r.i.p 2 my nan miss her lots n lots. rjs regular born n bred bt will neva go sober noo gooo! cant beat a good old bottle of jacobs creek, hate fact mari wont let me suck her toes iv been tryin 4 ages now!lol, also ashley loves my bum!! love going on treasure hunts as my team always wins! Mari gettin 2 competitive and knocking me out wiv her car door! also i am petrified of pigeons eewww be sick!!