Myspace Layouts at / Pokemon
Myspace Layouts at / Pokemon a world where every girl wants to be a model.
whats wrong babe, did daddy not give you enough attention?...
id like to meet someone that accepts me, loves me, cares about me greatly, understands me, and knows how to listen and be there for someone when theyre in theyre darkest hour, just smeone that knows how to care and doesnt wear a mask.... someone that can be themselves....
i love Horror movies and Romantic Comedys
and Mysteries and Brain Damage films r my FAVORITE!!! lol i most def. reccomment
seeing some Brain Damage Films if u havent already :) like Terror Toons, Hells Highway,
Goth, Hollywood Vampyr, Death Factory, and others by Brain Damage :)..
some of my other faves include The Crow , 1408, Vampire Clan, The Covenent, The Butterfly Effect, GIRL INTERUPTED!!!
i love me some Angelina Jo lie lol, Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, The Village,
Dawn of the Dead, Fight Club, Peter Pan return to Neverland :)
i looooved it!!!! haha, Euro Trip, Road Trip, American Pie series,
Final Destination 1 and 2, WHITE NOISE! that was a kickass movie baby! lol, The longest Yard, Saw,
The Forgotten,ScarFace, The Return of the living Dead, the Night of the living Dead,
and ill update more l8er.. cant really think right now lol *puff puff* ...;) ... if ur my friend ull get it... haha
One Tree Hill, American Idol, Family Guy, Real World,
Next, FUSE, Room Raiders, PArental Control, Date My Mom,
My Own, Made, Smallville, Flavor of Love, Jeopardy.
i LOVE to Read lol some of my many favrites are The Realm of Possibility,
Boy Meets Boy, Pretty Little Devils, Marlys Ghost, The Last Victim, Empress of the World,
Animal Farm, Farenheit 451, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Complete Idiots Guide to Palmistry haha!!!,
The Catcher In The Rye, Keeping you a Secret, Daughters of the Moon series are some of the best ive EVER
read fuckin rules!! lol, T*Witches Series is fuckin awesome!!! lol, Harry Potter Series, Tuck Everlasting,
And then There Were None, any Stephen King novel, Curses Inc, Serial Killers, Cannibals,
anything dealing with serial killers, hauntiings, and ghost stories.
You are so full of energy, you constantly attract hotties, and you are always the dominant one in the sack. It is very easy for you approach people because you have so much confidence and you are very forward about your feelings.
You are very likely to have lots of sexual partners, (sometimes all at once), and be the most sexually experienced of any of your friends.
Sex matches: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
'What is your Sexual Zodiac?' at
'What will your obituary say?' at
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Cruel Intentions
"I'm the only girl you can't have, and it kills you."
What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
these guy are my world. my bestfriends. Timmy& Terez. i love them to absolute death! theyve helped me through recent trials with their caring words and consideration. theyre irreplaceable.♥
This is my sweet girl, Kayla. shes gorgeous and such a doll. we clicked instantly and shes becoming one of my best friends. i feel like i can talk to her about anything, and theres not many people that make me feel the same way...i hope she stays in my life for years to come. i love you girl. ♥
And this would be Tyla...the craziest, silliest, coolest girl i know. i love her to death! she brought me out of my shell and helped me become the person i am today, and i thank her for that. we used to be the best of friends and are in the process of rekindling our relationship to what it was before. she has a big heart and an even bigger laugh. i love spending time with her. even when im down she can lift me up and make me smile. i love you tyla!
This is my beautiful girl Heather. shes so lovely and an absolute sweetheart. she just became a mommy! and by god if she isnt the most beautiful mommy in the world! hehe. i look forward to getting to know her even better and spending time with her in the future. i know that if i ever needed a friend to talk to shed be right there ready to listen. i love you bbygrl. ♥
This is my super-mad-rad-cool-lovely cuzin sabrina. shes so damn retarded and i love her silly. talk about a random person... haha. weve been through so much together and theres only more to come. shes the only person in my family i ever really talk to and i miss her so much...we havent been close in a while but hopefully that will change soon. she will always have my heart. ♥
This is my favorite emo gangsta nerd, miss Danielle! she was one of my first friends in high school and i miss her to death! i havent seen her in a while, but shes always in my thoughts. we had sooo much fun writing for the Carver Highschool newspaper together, making fun of loser whores, and writing down as many pokemon names as we could remember in class haha u remember that Dani?! lol and gym... that was a hella good time lol. youre so smart and you get prettier everyday. shes always there if i need someone to talk to and i hope she knows im here for her as well. i love you danielle and i hope in the future we can become as close as we once were. thx for always being a great friend to me R.I.P. Chris Harvey... we all miss you. may gods love be with you...always. - Free IQ Test - Intelligence Tests - Cool Quizzes