New York Film Academy
A nearly four-month-old Internet drama
in which the cryptic video musings of a fresh-faced teenager became the
obsession of millions of devotees
- NY Times (9.13.06)
New York Film Academy Congratulates Jessica Rose on her recent
success in the viral video world. The NYFA alum has captivated the
attention of hundreds of thousands of viewers a day in addition to
stirring up a healthy level of controversy to match.
For more about what NYFA students and graduates are accomplishing all
over the world, visit
We are the only film and acting school located on a major studio lot. The largest in the world in fact; Universal Studios. Arrangements have been made with Universal Studios to shoot our in-class production exercises on their prestigious and widely-used backlot, a landscape literally made up of the neighborhoods of the world. Small class sizes - 16 to 1 student/teacher ratio - allow for a virtually individualized learning experience. Educational program choices include filmmaking, Acting For Film, 3D animation, Screenwriting, and even a Master's Degree program in Fine Arts. Current instructors and guest lecturers range from Brett Rattner (Rush Hour) to Paul Haggis (Crash) to Toney Carey (VP Production, Brad Grev Television) to Nora Stone (Days of Our Lives) to Russell Gray (Sex &The City). check out WWW.NYFA.COM for more information!!
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