Wow, let's see.....Bill Paxton of course(the greatest character actor of all time). Rosemary Ellen Guiley(Met her 5/24/08 at a group event)amazing woman!!!, John Zaffis, Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Steve Gonzales, Troy Taylor, Rick Fisher(met him 5/24/08 at a group event) super cool guy!!, Craig Telesha(met him..great his book), Patrick Burns, Keith Age, Adam Blai, Jeff Belanger, Stanton Freidman, Hanz Holzer, George romero, George lucas, Steven Speilberg, James Cameron, John Carpenter. Lance Henrikson, Micheal Biehn and the rest of the Aliens cast. As for music...Let's see here....Eminem, Ludacris, Jay-Z, Live, System of a down, Hugh Hefner(a genius!! Party on, Hef!)... and anyone that would like to help discover what really IS out there and further the research to prove paranormal phenomena. that's all I can think of right now update more when I can think straight.