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Melissa + Ken

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Vote NO ON CALIFORNIA'S PROP 6 & 9, THEY WILL FURTHER BANKRUPT THE STATE WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT.NO ON MARCY'S LAW AND SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS ACT, A NO VOTE WILL SAVE YOU THE TAXPAYER MONEY. I'm a devoted prison wife, trying deseperatly to find a way to get my Husband Ken home. He has been in prison for 18 1/2 yrs now. We have been together for 20 years now and very much in love. Life has been hard for us but God has kept us together for a reason. I am going to Community College, working on my AS Degree in Social Work. I want to help rehabilitate prisoners and help prison families get through this difficult time, but first we need rehabilitation programs in prisons. I plan to become a Lobbyist for Prison Reform to change laws to help prisoners rebuild their lives and become productive citizens in our communities. Read our love story on my Blog above.
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Get your own countUP at BlingyBlob.comAny Celebrity, politicians,and anyone interested in prison reform and rehabilitating prisoners. Mel Gibson used to visit Robert Downey Jr in Corcoran State Prison and I would like to talk to them both about their experiences with California Department of Corrections. Also would like to met Kelli Pickler as she understands what it's like having a loved one in prison.
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Do you know what it is like to have a loved one in prison? My Husband has been locked up for 181/2 years and it has been so very hard on us. California Prisons are bursting at the seams at 172,000 inmates currently, casusing the state to be strapped for cash. I am a Human service Major and my goal is to become a policy maker and help to change laws that would allow prisoners to be rehabilitated and allow thosw who are worthy and are not a threat to society to be released into the society where they can be productive citizens, earning a decent living and paying taxes to help the economy. Prisoners are people too, not all but most can be rehabilitated and would never commit another crime if we gave them the right tools such as emotional counseling weekly, education, parenting classes,vocatioal trade,drug and alcohol rehab, man them with coping skills so they can be productive citizens. We do not do this here in California. A lifer in other states are parole after serving 7- life, but here in California a lifer can not go home even if he or she is not a threat to society and has good behvior and has completed all requuirments for parole, most are serving 10 years than they were originally sentencted to. This is job secuity for the prison guards, they do not want prisoners to go home to their families. Instead they want to build more prisoners. When you sentence someone to prison you also sentence the family of the prisoner to invisable bars. We need to take the power away from the CCPOA California Correctional Peace Officers Association, they have too much political power and they refuse to allow rehabilitation, they also lie to the public so do not believe their commercials. So when you vote please keep in mind that prison reform is important because if we don't fix this problem it will only get worse continuing a vicious cycle of recitavism and more victime. We could cut down on crime if we would help these people help themselves to a better life and in return we would have safer communities and better schools for our children so they do not become prisoners. Jesus was a prisoner, what would Jesus do about this? Invest in prisoners and we could make our country a btter place. Please take interest and help in rebuilding lives. There should be a balance between punishment and rehabilitation.
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My Blog

Going back to School

 I decided to go back to school in 2005. I completed my GED in 16 days so that I would be eligible to register for the Spring 2006 Semester at College of the Sequoias our local community college....
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 18:02:00 GMT

Ken and Melissa Lett Our Love Story

A Powerful Love Story   Sign Set Kenneth Lett Free Petition   We met 4/88 and got engaged 11/89.Our nightmare began December 21, 1989 in Visalia, California at 5pm. We were happy and very mu...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 17:45:00 GMT